At times, it can be somewhat of a struggle to imagine that an expressionless, abrasive, or tactless ESTJ personality who is constantly on a mission to achieve their goals, at any cost, may be sensitive and emotional.

ESTJs can be sensitive and emotional when they misinterpret what others say or want to prove that they are right. However, ESTJs are adept at suppressing their emotions as they see it as a weakness and illogical. They struggle to gauge people’s feelings and may appear emotionless.

While ESTJs are highly gifted overachievers in the business sector, their poor “Introverted Feeling” personality trait makes them emotionally blind. So, if you want to know why ESTJs suppress their feelings and what makes them tick – read on!

ESTJ Personalities: A Brief Overview

ESTJ is an abbreviation for someone who thrives in social settings (Extraverted), is detail orientated (Sensing), makes logical decisions based on their reasoning skills (Thinking), and prefers meticulous planning instead of spontaneity (Judging).

With 9% of the US population classified as ESTJs, it is the fifth most prominent personality type, of which 11% are males and a mere 6% are females.

They are commonly known as Supervisor-type personalities due to their innate drive to lead others, enforce their organization’s rules and regulations, and their commitment to meet and exceed their employer’s expectations.

Known for their integrity, dependable ESTJs uphold the same standards for themselves and their employees, and they are highly respectful of their superiors and follow orders to the letter.

ESTJs are energetic, diligent, conformists, rule-abiding, and hard-working personalities who like to get things done methodically and systematically.

As the gatekeepers of society, ESTJs do everything by the book and can be counted on to abide by their country’s laws, ordinances, and their employer’s rules and regulations.

They are highly efficient managers with above-par organizational skills, adept at taking charge and devising policies and procedures that are logical and structured.

While they have many redeeming qualities, ESTJs can be enormously judgemental at times due to their ardent belief in what is right or wrong – forgetting that their beliefs may be subjective and flawed.

ESFJs are renowned for their strong work ethic, and their continuous strive for perfection, which results in their disdain for co-workers who are not as hard-working or driven as they are.

Obstinate and rigid, ESFJs are often incapable of being open to opposing ideas or seeing other people’s points of view.

ESTJs are also highly committed to providing well for their families and taking good care of them. They are dependable and value family traditions, routines, and organized homes. However, they can be domineering and impatient with their partner’s emotions.

They thrive in relationships where they are appreciated by their partners for making significant contributions to the household.

Do ESTJs Have Emotions?

Stoic ESTJs value rationality and control above all else, so they might seem emotionless and insensitive at times or make it clear that they consider emotional people weak-minded.

However, like most human beings, they are not devoid of emotions; they are simply more guarded and prefer not to express their feelings in public, and by the same token, find it hard to gauge other people’s emotions.

Because they are less emotionally sensitive, they often overlook other people’s feelings and may come across as ruthless and uncaring.

ESTTJs rationalize or compartmentalize their emotions and make decisions that are logical, cold, clinical, and devoid of feelings.

While ESTJs will “never wear their hearts on their sleeves,” they can improve their ability to connect with others by embracing their own feelings emotionally and without over-analyzing them.

What Makes An ESTJ Cry?

Although ESTJs are not overtly sensitive personalities, they care deeply about their loved ones or those they have learned to trust and always make a concerted effort to ensure that they are happy and taken care of.

ESFJs typically lack emotional intelligence, so they may become oversensitive or upset even when a loved one makes an inoffensive statement that they might interpret as hurtful.

Why Are ESTJs Prone To Angry Outbursts?

Those closest to ESTJs will find it incredibly difficult to know whether they are stressed, happy, or simply under the weather as they are emotionally guarded and tend to bottle up their emotions, which often results in frustration.

So, ESTJs are prone to angry emotional outbursts that are exasperated by their natural inclination to see the worst in every situation.

ESTJs are also incredibly opinionated and struggle to understand that other people are entitled to express their emotions or to have a different point of view.

Their stoic belief in the validity of their own logically concluded beliefs, coupled with their ambitious quest for winning, means that they are sometimes unable to have a restrained debate, which often leads to conflict.

To a certain extent, ESTJs are used to extremes and tend to be passionate about every aspect of their lives, whether it be helping those in need or angrily expressing their rigid points of view.

7 Fascinating ESTJ Character Traits

So, now that you are more informed about ENTJs, here are a few more insightful ESTJ personality traits that speak volumes about these complex characters.

  • Other Myers-Briggs character traits include being energetic, content, practical, self-satisfied, and prejudiced.
  • They are overwhelmingly Type A personalities who continuously strive for perfection.
  • ESTJs had some of the highest coping scores compared to other Myers-Briggs personalities.
  • They are predominantly more content with their work and marriages than most other personality types.
  • ESTJs are primarily among the top four personality kinds in college GPA and are the least likely to drop out of college or attempt suicide.
  • Their most profound core values include their health, financial stability, achieving success, and a level of prestige.
  • ESFJs mainly work as financial managers, business owners, and in the banking sector.

Well-Known ESTJs

Here are a few ESTJ personalities you might recognize: Dr. Phil, Michelle Obama, Judge Judy Sheindlin, Billy Graham, Mike Wallace, Colin Powell, George Washington, Sandra Day O’Connor, Tom Clancy, Vince Lombardi, and Dr. Laura Schlessinger.


ESTJs are the bedrock of society; they are diligent and efficient personalities who get things done. While they have so many commendable qualities, ENTJs lack emotional sensitivity and the ability to fully express their emotions, which is an area of personal growth for these complex personalities.

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