ESFPs are known as the “Entertainers,” yet they are highly affectionate people whose only goal is to ensure everyone is happy and having a good time. Because they are in tune with their emotions and can read others like a book, you would think that ESFPs can be empathetic. Can ESFPs be empathetic?

ESFPs can be empathetic when the scenario of the afflicted person is something that they have experienced emotionally. ESFPs are attentive listeners, known for their good practical advice, and are sensitive to the feelings of others. ESFPs can display empathy as they care deeply for those they love.

The personality type diagnostic doesn’t assess where your personality sits on the empathic scale. Every personality type can be empathetic in some form, and it’s possible to enhance this skill by practicing it. Some personality types are more prone to being empathetic due to how they perceive and make sense of the world.

Can ESFP Be Empathetic?

ESFPs can be empathetic, especially when their introverted feelings start to evolve and mature, typically in their late 20s. The ESFPs’ intense inner emotions and ability to speak openly about them make them good at giving advice. They are attentive listeners that are sensitive to the emotions of others.

  • Empathy is the ability to experience the feeling of another person’s emotional feelings by putting oneself in their shoes.
  • Sympathy is the ability to care for and understand the pain or emotions of others on an intellectual level without having experienced the anguish yourself.

A person with no empathy is quite a rare occurrence and often points to a personality disorder of some kind. Empathy and sympathy can be developed over time. Some people, no matter their personality type, can empathize better if they continuously develop this skill or when blessed with greater emotional intelligence.

People with an ESFP personality type are wired a certain way. They are led by their emotions when making judgments or decisions that ultimately need to fit with their values. They live for the now. They thrive when surrounded by people and experience the world through touch, seeing, and feeling, which often relates to having practical experience with many inter-personal scenarios.

ESFPs Auxiliary Function Is Introverted Feeling (Fi)

Before assessing their impact on the physical environment, introverted feelers examine their internal experiences and feelings first. To interpret the feelings or experiences of others, the Fi employs their insight of themselves, their life experiences, and self-awareness.

Because those sentiments are strongly linked with their own sense of self, they will likely experience them with more intensity and constancy. The Fi is generally stronger in emotional and empathetic empathy because they can imagine and recognize their cognitive function in others.

ESFPs are known to use this function often as they make most decisions based on what they are feeling. Because they have the uncanny ability to “see through” people, reading them like a book, they can quickly assess what people are like based on their observations, including emotional awareness.

ESFPs are highly aware of their feelings, which makes them able to be empathetic towards others, as they are very able to put themselves in the shoes of others. They can feel empathy for others with their high desire to connect with others.

ESFPs using their introverted feeling function, are excellent at establishing bonds with people who will need some empathy from time to time, which the ESFP gladly provides. Then, to cheer you up, they will frequently steer the topic to something pleasant. ESFPs have a unique understanding of when empathy is required in a situation and when not to employ it.

They are also motivated to provide a realistic answer to almost any situation since they dislike seeing people stranded. When making decisions, they aim to selflessly live while being loyal to their principles and life purpose.

ESFPs Have Empathetic Traits

Not all people are able to respond with empathy when seeing another person in emotional pain. Some people may respond indifferently to the suffering of others, much to the dismay of people capable of responding with empathy.

The following are signs that indicate if a person is empathetic:

Signs Of EmpathyESFP: Yes or No?
Good at truly listening to what others sayYes
You are masterful at pickling up how people are feelingYes
Other people come to you for adviceYes
You have a knack for telling when people aren’t being honestYes
People often tell you about their problemsYes
You try to help others who are strugglingYes
You care deeply about peopleYes
You often think about how other people are feelingYes

ESFPs Loves Deeply

EFSPs are social creatures armed with a big group of friends and live to meet new people. Their infectious love for life often cheers people who are struggling emotionally, as EFSPs believe in enjoying the moment and forcing others to experience it with the same intensity.

They are also quick to realize when something is “off” emotionally with someone and will often be the first person to happily provide emotional support and practical advice. EFSPs are open and caring people, attributes that make it easy for others to talk to them and confide in them.

They will go all out to ensure that the people around them are happy and are known to be sympathetic to people experiencing emotional distress.

EFSPs Are Excellent Listeners

ESFPs are well-meaning in their efforts to assist and are excellent listeners when people need a sounding board to talk things out and come up with a solution by themself. Despite their outgoing personalities, many ESFPs are excellent listeners who won’t let you mope around for too long.

ESFPs Can Relate

ESFPs don’t hide away from life. They live it fully, which means that what you are going through has probably happened to an ESFP a hundred times. Having been in a similar situation, ESFPs are exceptionally good at expressing sympathy or empathy to the afflicted person.

There are some roadblocks, however, where an ESFP may not fully grasp why the person is upset if they have not experienced the situation before. They are, nevertheless, loving folks who will do their best to support those they care about.

It’s An ESFPs Job To Be Empathetic

ESFPs are pragmatic, practical, and sensitive to others’ needs. They frequently choose a career that allows them to help others and where they can see actual, measurable outcomes for their efforts. They are gifted at addressing practical, people-centered problems and can use this aptitude to help others.

Suggested EFSP careers include the following (check ability to emphasize):

  • Nurse
  • Social Worker
  • Child Care Provider
  • Animal Trainer
  • Pediatrician
  • Counselor
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Special Education Teacher
  • Firefighter
  • Police Officer
  • Elementary Teacher
  • Caregiver

What Type Of Empathy Do You Get From A ESPF?

Every personality type is capable of empathy. However, some personality types are more feelings-centered and, as a result, can be better at empathy. There are 3 types of empathy that an empathetic person can experience, and an ESPF will typically be able to experience any of the types.

1. Somatic Empathy

Somatic empathy is when you experience what another person is feeling, often resulting in a physical reaction, like turning red in the face when someone feels embarrassed.

2. Affective Empathy

This type of empathy involves the capability to comprehend a person’s emotions and appropriately respond to them. The ability to understand another person’s emotions can lead to feeling concerned for the afflicted person, possibly leading to feelings of stress for both parties.

3. Cognitive Empathy

This type of empathy stems from understanding what another person thinks in response to a situation. Understanding their mental state and what they must be thinking is called the theory of mind (thinking about what other people think.)

Which Myers-Briggs Personality Types Are The Most Empathic?

The personality types that have the greatest ability to be empathetic with other people, due to qualities found in their personalities, are the following:

  • ESFP
  • ENFP
  • ISFP
  • INFP
  • INFJ
  • ENFJ

The type of empathy displayed will differ from personality to personality; some will be better at displaying cognitive empathy and others emotional empathy. If your personality type is none of the above, don’t be stressed that you’re automatically disqualified from the empathy spectrum. Anyone can be empathetic, no matter the personality type.


ESFPs can be empathetic, as they are loving and caring souls whose only wish is to see everyone happy and enjoying life. Due to their unique personality traits and how they process feelings and external stimuli, they are very capable of feeling what others are feeling.

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