Sometimes referred to as “consuls” or “caregivers,” ESFJs are attentive, people-focused, and enjoy actively participating in their community. So can ESFJs become musicians and artists?

Although ESFJs are not typically considered a creative personality type, many examples of ESFJs have gone on to be successful musicians and/or artists. Finding a disciple that supports the community is the key to overcoming their creative shortcomings.

To better understand the pros and cons of ESFJ musicians and artists, we will explore ESFJ traits in greater detail below. However, let’s first explore if ENFPs are a suitable personality type for pursuing a career in music and/or art:

Are ESFJs Creative?

While every personality type has the potential to become great musicians and artists, certain personality types are favored over others. Some personality types best suited for a career in music and/or art are INTP, INFP, ENTP, and ENFP.  

Although ESFJs are not considered one of the more creative personality types, their ability to create art and music is premised on their desire to impress others, showcase their talents, and add value to the greater community.

Consequently, ESFJs are capable of pursuing a career in art and/or music, provided their talents are channeled toward the community and their desire to commit to projects that they are passionate about.

Examples of great ESFJ artists and musicians include:

  • Taylor Swift,
  • Jennifer Lopez,
  • Whitney Houston,
  • Ed Sheeran,
  • Elton John,
  • Diana Ross,
  • Tina Turner,
  • Alicia Keys,
  • Mariah Carey,
  • Mary J Blige,
  • George Hughes,

What Are The Five Pros Of ESFJ Artists And Musicians?

There are five character strengths that help ESFJs become great artists and musicians:

  1. ESFJs have strong practical skills,
  2. ESFJs have a strong sense of duty,
  3. ESFJs are very loyal,
  4. ESFJs are empathetic,
  5. ESFJs are good communicators.

1. ESFJs Have Strong Practical Skills  

ESFJs are practically minded people who can easily exercise real-world creative skills like painting, drawing, singing and playing musical instruments.

Furthermore, they are excellent at exercising additional skills to support their artistic endeavors, like having good time management and being able to promote themselves.

In conclusion, while practical skills may appear at face value to stifle creative thought, they form an essential foundation from which to launch a career in art and/or music.

2. ESFJs Have A Strong Sense Of Duty

Because ESFJs have a strong sense of duty, they are a passionate personality type that fully commits to projects; coupled with their desire to serve the community; this energy can snowball into the effective and efficient implementation of broader community projects.

Consequently, artistic and/or musical endeavors like painting murals for the community or hosting a charity concert appeal to an ESFJ’s sense of duty.

3. ESFJs Are Very Loyal

Like their strong sense of duty, ESFJs are loyal and remain committed to projects. Therefore ESFJs often do well in group creative projects like a band or an orchestra, as they are likely to be punctual, committed to practice, and invested in the overall health/happiness of the project and its members. 

4. ESFJs Are Empathetic

Because ESFJs are empathetic, they enjoy spreading happiness to others through creative projects. Furthermore, their warmth and kindness help them create art and/or music that connects with people from all backgrounds, languages, and cultures.

Consequently, ESFJs that engage in artistic pursuits often have broad appeal (like Ed Sheeran or Taylor Swift.)

5. ESFJs Are Good Communicators

Finally, because ESFJs are good communicators, they often have little difficulty sharing their creative ideas with their fellow artists and/or musicians.

Strong communicators can also communicate with support staff within the industry, such as managers, agents, and gallery owners. Finally, they can form genuine connections with fans and critics of their work.

What Are The Three Cons Of ESFP Artists And Musicians?

Three character weaknesses stop ESFJs from becoming great musicians and/or artists: 

  1. ESFJs are known to be inflexible,
  2. ESFJs are reluctant to innovate or improvise,
  3. ESFJs handle criticism poorly.

1. ESFJs Are Known To Be Inflexible

While ESFJs have strong practical skills that they like to exercise through routine and from leadership vantage points, this can also manifest into an inflexible personality type and unwillingness to change their schedules to assist others.

Furthermore, this inflexibility can extend to a personality type that considers their opinion superior to others and becomes frustrated when others do not follow their lead/example.

In conclusion, this inflexibility can make ESFJs unable to develop and change with evolving trends in the art and/or music scenes.

2. ESFJs Are Reluctant To Innovate Or Improvise 

Like how ESFJs are known to be inflexible, they are also reluctant to innovate or improvise. Consequently, ESFJs are not willing to deviate from set paths, nor are they ready to change their methodology on the fly.

While there are some positives, as this shows a personality type that is confident in executing tried and tested tactics, the negatives include the inability of ESFJs to adapt their strategies to changing times, methodology, or circumstances.

Consequently, this inflexibility can stifle creative thought and skills, which are essential in music and/or art career.

3. ESFJs Handle Criticism Poorly 

ESFJs are often perfectionists who take pride in their work and meticulously plan their every move before executing it. Consequently, ESFJs handle criticism poorly, as it is seen as an affront to their perfectionist nature and meticulous planning skills, on which much ESFJs pride themselves.

However, because criticism is a part of life and an essential method of growing/improving oneself and strategies, many ESFJs undermine their potential by being hostile toward criticism.

Consequently, ESFJs may become disheartened when facing art/music critics while being unable to learn and develop from their missteps.


In conclusion, while ESFJs have a host of pros and cons which may hamper or aid their careers as musicians and/or artists, they are fully capable of becoming excellent musicians and/or artists (provided they pursue a disciple they are passionate about!)

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