Sometimes referred to as “debaters” or “innovators,” ENTPs are known and respected for their curious minds and the desire to include people in their sphere of influence for purposes of collective knowledge generation. So can ENTPs make good doctors? 

Although ENTPs can become doctors and may excel in various fields of the medical profession, they seldom make great doctors. The reason is that while ENTPs are confident and knowledgeable, they often lack the unbiased, empathetic, and focused mannerisms that personify great doctors.

Before we look at the personality traits of ENTPs to determine if they can make good doctors; let’s first examine what personality traits make a good doctor and then cross-reference them with the strengths and weaknesses of ENTPs:

What Personality Traits Make A Good Doctor?

There are six personality traits that make good doctors: 

  1. Doctors must be confident,
  2. Doctors must be empathetic,
  3. Doctors must be focused,
  4. Doctors must be knowledgeable,
  5. Doctors must be unbiased,
  6. Doctors must be honest and forthright.

1. Doctors Must Be Confident  

Doctors need to be confident in their abilities, as confidence is an essential part of making firm decisions and easing a patient’s concerns regarding their health and well-being.

2. Doctors Must Be Empathetic 

Because doctors deal with people who are in pain and discomfort daily, a doctor must be empathetic to the suffering of others, passionately seeks a solution to relieve pain/discomfort, and thoughtfully considers the experience of patients to aid in diagnosis.

3. Doctors Must Be Focused 

Doctors may often find themselves in high-energy, stressful situations whereby numerous issues demand their attention. However, good doctors know the importance of treating each patient with focused care and diligence and not get distracted.

4. Doctors Must Be Knowledgeable

Studying to become a doctor and remaining abreast of scientific/medical developments requires ongoing skills development. Consequently, doctors must exhibit a thirst for knowledge and complementary skill set to absorb vast quantities of information. 

5. Doctors Must Be Unbiased

Subject to taking the Hippocratic Oath, doctors are expected to be unbiased and treat all people equally, regardless of any preconceived notions or opinions about a person.

6. Doctors Must Be Honest And Forthright 

Oftentimes, doctors need to deliver bad news to patients, or they may have to admit to a fault (such as a misdiagnosis). Consequently, good doctors are not afraid to tell people the truth in plain and straightforward language.

What Are ENTP Strengths?

There are eight strengths ENTPs typically possess:

  1. ENTPs are knowledgeable,
  2. ENTPs are quick thinkers,
  3. ENTPs are innovative,
  4. ENTPs are excellent brainstormers,
  5. ENTPs are confident,
  6. ENTPs are energetic,
  7. ENTPs are fearless,
  8. ENTPs are adaptable.

1. ENTPs Are Knowledgeable

ENTPs have an inherent desire and passion for acquiring new knowledge. Therefore, they go out of their way to facilitate discussion/debate that creates an opportunity for knowledge acquisition.

2. ENTPs Are Quick Thinkers

ENTPs pride themselves on being quick thinkers who can assist their peers or themselves when faced with difficult questions. Alternatively, they can redirect a conversation/topic to their liking by harnessing previously acquired collective knowledge.

3. ENTPs Are Innovative

ENTPs seldom conform to traditions and rules/regulations if they believe these old methods are insufficient in achieving their team’s goals.

4. ENTPs Are Excellent Brainstormers

As their desire to facilitate discussion, ENTPs are usually front and center of any debate/discussion. Consequently, ENTPs are excellent brainstormers that can add valuable insight and a macro-understanding of any challenges facing a team. 

5. ENTPs Are Confident

ENTPs are confident and charismatic people, provided they have been given the tools and space needed to acquire knowledge, engage in brainstorming sessions, and are in positions where they feel that their voice/opinions are respected.

6. ENTPs Are Energetic

ENTPs are often passionate about finding solutions with the assistance of others (although this assistance typically involves the ENTP as the leader/final voice in a group.) Consequently, this passion makes ENTPs highly energetic people who are comfortable working long hours.

7. ENTPs Are Fearless

Coupled with their charisma and confidence, ENTPs understand that failure is part of any healthy process/discussion and that same is needed before the best solution to a problem can be achieved.

8. ENTPs Are Adaptable

Like their trait of being quick thinkers, ENTP leaders are also people who enjoy placing themselves out of their comfort zone.

What Are ENTP Weaknesses?

There are five traits ENTPs typically possess

  1. ENTPs are argumentative
  2. ENTPs are insensitive,
  3. ENTPs are intolerant,
  4. ENTPs procrastinate, 
  5. ENTPs dislike practical work.

1. ENTPs Are Argumentative  

ENTPs enjoy debates, which can spiral into heated arguments, depending on how passionate the ENTP is about the topic at hand.

2. ENTPs Are Insensitive  

Because ENTPs focus on logic and rational arguments over emotive stances, they can sometimes come across as uncaring and insensitive.

3. ENTPs Are Intolerant  

While ENTPs are not dismissive of arguments, they can be dismissive and intolerant of those that are incapable of articulating their opinion/thoughts in a structured and logical fashion.

4. ENTPs Procrastinate  

Because ENTPs enjoy engaging with multiple topics at once, it is common for ENTPs to procrastinate and lose focus of the finer details; instead opting for a macro understanding of a problem.

5. ENTPs Dislike Practical Work  

ENTPs prefer engaging with academic pursuits and more significant questions surrounding philosophy, laws, morals, etc. Consequently, ENTPs typically dislike practical, day-to-day work activities.

Can ENTPs Become Good Doctors?

Although any personality type can become a doctor, most ENTPs are not suited to the role, and fewer still are great doctors. The reason is although ENTPs exhibit some characteristics of great doctors, such as being knowledgeable and confident, they lack some of the features of great doctors.

Namely, ENTPs exhibit numerous weaknesses that run contrary to the personality traits of great doctors, such as disliking practical work, being unfocused, lacking empathy, and being intolerant.

Consequently, ENTPs looking to enter the medical field are better suited in highly specialized roles or as researchers, as this may afford them a space for open discussion/debate around new innovations with their peers, as opposed to dealing with patients on a day-to-day basis.


In conclusion, while ENTPs can become doctors, most ENTPs will be comfortable in other fields of the medical profession.

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