ISTJ and INTP personalities are both introverted thinkers; however, that’s where the similarities end as they have vastly different characteristics, and should you be an ISTJ that has been mistyped as an INTP, there are several likely causes.

An ISTJ can be mistyped as an INTP if the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) questions are misunderstood or they admire an INTP’s personality traits. ISTJ test subjects may fabricate answers to improve their job prospects if an INTP’s personality traits are more suited to their career.

MBTI Personality tests, if done correctly, can be a profound illumination tool that highlights those hidden aspects of your character and sheds some light on potential careers that are best suited to ISTJ. So, if you have been mistyped as an INTP – let’s fix it!

Myers-Briggs ISTJ Inspector Personalities

With approximately 12% of the US population classified as ISTJs, they are the third most predominant Myers-Briggs personality type, of which the majority or 16% are males, and only 7% are females.

ISTJ is an abbreviation for a person who prefers to be alone (Introverted), is interested in facts, not concepts (Sensing), reaches decisions based on their reasoning skills (Thinking), and favors meticulous planning over spontaneity (Judging).

They are commonly referred to as Inspector type personalities due to their fascination with minute details, strict adherence to processes, and doing things correctly.

These personality types uphold traditional or conservative values and are sticklers for creating and following rules and regulations. They excel in organizing and creating order out of chaos in the institutions they so diligently serve.

While ISFJs are introverted personalities, they are rarely on their own as they know how to contribute to organizations and interact with their co-workers or in niche social circles with like-minded friends.

Conservative ISTJs are also continuously focused on maintaining social cohesion and ensuring that their rigid standards are met in all spheres of life. In essence, they are the bedrocks of society and highly adept at managing efficient organizations.

Can You Be Both ISTJ And INTP?

Although it is entirely possible for ISTJs to mistype as INTP personalities, they are vastly diverse. While ISTJs are introverted like INTPs, they can connect with others, unlike INTPs who prefer their own company meditating on their next quantum physics theory.

Furthermore, while they are both “Thinking” personality types, ISTJs are far more grounded and practical than INTPs’ “pie-in-the-sky” theoretical mindset.

So, you might be wondering how one personality can mistakenly be classified as another? Well, it’s relatively easy if your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) answers are not a true reflection of your character or how you see yourself.

A prime example is if your answers are based on character traits you aspire to or incorrect answers that are based on misinterpretations of the questions.

So, unless you are brutally honest, the personality test results will be utterly flawed and not an accurate reflection of your character traits.

Fortunately, MBTI specialists use a 3-step method to mitigate the risk of any potential mistyping, especially in the corporate sector.

In the first phase of the test, an employee will answer personality questions to ascertain whether they are truly suited to their specific job, and if an ISTJ’s role involves traits that are better suited to an INTP, they could provide answers that are misleading.

So, while the ISTJ’s answers are aligned with their job expectations and will keep their bosses happy, they might be miserable as the role is not truly aligned with who they are as people.

Typically, these personality mistypes will always come to light during the MBTI’s one-on-one interviews, which is the next stage of the 3-step testing method, and the ISTJ may be convinced to answer the next personality survey truthfully especially if they want to change their careers.

ISTJ And INTP Are Not The Same

While ISTJs and INTPs share limited common personality traits, they are vastly different in so many ways. So, let’s have a look at their highly distinctive personalities.

Eight Main Reasons Why ISTJs and INTPs Differ

  1. ISTJs are preoccupied with concrete facts and dislike theories, while INTPs are fascinated with concepts or theories and exploring unchartered territories.
  2. ISTJs are focused on dealing with real-life responsibilities like paying their mortgage or growing their savings, unlike INTPs who theorize about intangible things.
  3. ISTJs are risk-averse and cautious, in stark contrast with INTPs, who are adventurous and inclined to take risks if they believe in their venture.
  4. ISTJs are like worker bees who diligently do their duties, while INTPs are equivalent to scientific geniuses who prove that their outlandish theories are factual.
  5. ISTJs are comfortable with leadership roles where they can delegate tasks, and improve efficiencies, while INTPs prefer to work in solitude.
  6. ISTJs are sensitive by nature, although they prefer not to make it evident, and they are able to connect with others, while INTPs are lacking in that respect.
  7. ISTJs are acutely aware of what their bodies need to function optimally, so they are very disciplined about when they eat, sleep, etc. While INTPs can be so focussed on their work that they forget about their physical needs.
  8. ISTJs are respectful of rules and regulations and respect authority figures. In stark contrast, INTPs are impervious to authority figures and will question the validity of rules and regulations.
  9. ISTJs are continuously focused on the past, and upholding traditions, while INTPs predominantly look towards the future and making the impossible – possible.

Renowned ISTJ Personalities

Now that you know more about these fascinating personality types, here are a few well-known ISTJs to spark further insights:

  • Warren Buffett
  • J.D. Rockefeller
  • Queen Victoria
  • Harry Truman
  • Queen Elizabeth II
  • George H.W. Bush.


Although an ISTJ can be mistaken for an INTP or any other personality type, it is only possible if the Myers-Briggs personality questions were misinterpreted or not truthfully answered.

ISTJs and INTPs do share some common personality traits; however, they are like “day and night” in most respects!

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