INFP and INTP personality types may seem to have a lot in common. Although these two personality types share Introverted, Intuitive, and Prospecting traits, these characteristics manifest themselves in different ways. INFPs are more emotional, while INTPs are more objective and analytical.

An INFP can’t change into an INTP. Your personality type is a natural inclination towards certain behaviors and thinking patterns. Your traits may contradict your type, depending on your environment. Still, you cannot permanently change your disposition toward a particular personality type.

If you’re an INFP, you may be wondering if you can change into an INTP. We’ve put together a short guide on these personality types to give you a better look at their characteristics and how you can adopt other features into your everyday behavior.

The INFP Personality Type

INFP stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Prospecting. This personality type is characterized by creativity and incredible imagination. Individuals that fall into this personality category are often extraordinarily caring and empathic. They are not only in tune with the emotions of others, though. They spend much of their time reflecting on their feelings and can come across as sensitive individuals.

INFPs have a naturally idealistic disposition and do everything they can to help others. Their compassionate nature often earns them the title of ‘Mediator.’ INFPs are also open-minded, which allows them to be less judgmental of others.

Although this personality type is introverted, they are liked and appreciated by others thanks to their tolerant and loving traits. They have small social groups but generally have more intimate relationships.

When an INFP connects with someone, they are typically hyper-focused on creating more meaningful relationships and deeper connections with them.

INFPs prefer to socialize with others in smaller groups or one-on-one. This interaction allows them to get to know others on a more personal level.

The INTP Personality Type

INFPs are often confused with INTPs because of their similar traits. However, the ‘T’ in this personality type stands for ‘Thinking.’ Although these personality types may seem similar on paper, their behavior patterns are very different!

INTPs are just as creative as INFPs, although they are more analytical and objective in their demeanor. This realistic stance is in stark contrast to an INFPs idealistic nature which often causes them to be unrealistic. INTPs also emphasize their intellect, which is not as important to an INFP.

People with the INTP personality type may seem lost in thought most of the time. Individuals in this category have a unique point of view and are out-of-the-box thinkers. They are naturally pensive and spend much of their free time thinking about problem-solving and unique solutions.

Just like INFPs, this personality group enjoys being alone. They are exhausted by long socialization periods, and their mysterious nature is less alluring than an INFP. In fact, INTPs may come across as being detached. Their detached disposition comes from a need to spend time in thought, and they don’t seek out deep and meaningful relationships – unlike INFPs.

Can INFPs Turn Into INTPs?

Most personality types envy the characteristics and traits of other types. Although it may seem like a good idea to tinker with particular characteristics to better suit your needs, personalities don’t work that way!

Your personality type is generally pre-determined, and your inborn traits associated with that type are naturally coded into your DNA! Because you are born with a specific personality type, you cannot change your traits and become another type!

However, this doesn’t mean that your traits can’t change. Your traits can vary based on your environment and experiences, but it doesn’t change your natural personality type.

For example, an INFP is naturally introverted. However, in large social groups, they may find that they are more extroverted and enjoy spending time with many different people. But this doesn’t mean that INFPs have suddenly become more extroverted!

Instead, it may mean that an INFP has formed meaningful relationships with a larger group of people. Having a better connection with people they are spending time with can help them feel more comfortable in larger social settings. Alternatively, they may learn to adapt to larger social groups because they are forced to interact with more people on a regular basis.

Although your traits can adapt to your environment, this change is usually only temporary. For example, an INFP that has to interact with several people on a daily basis may learn to be more extroverted. Still, when they are removed from that environment, they will revert to being more introverted in their everyday life.

So, why does this happen? Adaptation is a normal response to different environments and external factors. But because you are born with certain traits and characteristics – thanks to your pre-determined personality type – you will always have a natural inclination towards acting, feeling, and thinking like your personality type.

How To Act More Like An INTP

As we’ve mentioned, you can manifest certain traits that directly contradict your personality type when you are in different environments or situations. If you want to become more like an INTP, you will need to force yourself into situations and environments that rely more on INTP traits.

For example, suppose you want to become more objective and analytical than idealistic. In that case, you will need to nurture that trait. You can do this by stepping out of your comfort zone and working on projects and tasks that exercise these characteristics.

It’s important to remember that this won’t change your personality type! Once you are no longer in an environment that challenges your natural traits, your personality will naturally revert to align with your inborn characteristics and inclinations.


An INFP can’t change into an INTP because you can’t change your personality type. Instead, you can nurture specific traits to use certain characteristics to your advantage. It may be important to remember that your personality type is part of who you are. So you will never be able to change your natural inclinations toward displaying certain traits and characteristics.

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