Is it possible that a dynamic personality like an ESTP who seems to be driven, practical, and ambitious can be lazy?

ESTP personality types are not lazy; they excel in working on short-term projects that deliver instant success. They are dynamic, action-orientated, incredibly smart, and excellent crisis managers. However, they struggle to deal with mundane tasks that do not provide instant gratification.

While it is evident that industrious ESTPs can achieve monumental success with their drive and infectious energy, their personality strengths also have a significant downside. So, if you want to know what that is – read on!

ESTP Myers-Briggs: Dynamo Personalities

A mere 4% of the US population are classified as ESTPs, of which the majority or 6% are males, and a mere 3% are females.

So, what does the ESTP acronym mean, you might ask? It denotes an Extraverted person, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving, which means that these personalities thrive in social settings,

are focused on facts, make logical decisions, and prefer spontaneity (instead of planning).

Thrill-seeking ESTPs are often referred to as Dynamo personalities due to their active lifestyles and amped-up or dynamic level of energy that makes them immediately stand out in a crowd.

Highly agile ESTPs are adept at assessing a situation and promptly addressing issues with practical solutions, so they excel in putting out fires, both literally and figuratively.

Playful ESTPs typically have a great sense of humor and are often the life of the party because they excel in being able to “read a room” and lighten everyone’s mood with their antics.

While they are social butterflies who love interacting with people, they are not typically over-sensitive and prefer to have light-hearted conversations with others over serious conversations that become overly emotional.

Are ESTPs Motivated And Hardworking?

Smart and practical ESTPs are typically ambitious go-getters who are highly adept at thinking on their feet and injecting a bit of fun in everything they do to make a discernible impact in the world.

While ETPS are motivated and hardworking, they struggle to keep their momentum if their concerted efforts don’t produce instant results or when they are faced with a task that will only result in success at a later stage.

Action-orientated ESTPs are highly confident in their abilities to make things happen, so they are not prone to theorizing about long-term goals without instantly following through on them. So, in essence, it’s their “super-power.”

While these can-do personalities will often jump into a project (head-first) without seeming to think it through, it’s a misnomer as ESTPs are highly adept at processing information rapidly and dealing with any curve balls as they come along.

So, in that sense, ESTPs are highly suited to dealing with emergencies as they can quickly gauge a situation, devise a practical action plan, and deal with the matter.

Do ESTPs Procrastinate?

Although ESTPs are action-orientated, flexible, spontaneous, and highly perceptive, their strengths also have significant downsides.

ESTPs are naturally inclined to procrastinate or deal with matters that require a protracted level of concentration or appear to be tedious. So, they will typically leave important things until the last minute and still manage to get them done as they thrive on adrenalin.

These personalities are all about “instant gratification” and doing fresh and exciting things they find stimulating; thus, their focus is always on the here and now and not on their future obligations, or commitments, even if they are vitally important.

ESTPs thrive on flying by the seat of their pants, mixing work and play, and doing things that truly excite them, so they will avoid dealing with mundane tasks at all costs. Therefore, they could benefit from help to devise long-term plans, including assistance with their time-management skills.

ESTP Personality Growth Areas

ESTP personalities struggle with the following long-term action items, so addressing them will be highly advantageous:

  • Devise a comprehensive 10-year business strategy.
  • Obtain life insurance policies and save money for long-term projects.
  • Assess a new venture’s potential risks, and plan mitigating strategies
  • Brainstorm with others to assess a new opportunity’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Complete a mundane task that requires a sustained effort without instant benefits
  • Focus on having meaningful discussions with people to build strong relationships.
  • Set aside solitary time for peaceful introspection.

10 Ways ESTPs Can Avoid Procrastinating

So now that we have established what ESTPs need to do let’s look at how they can deal with their natural inclination to delay mundane tasks.

  1. Craft a vision board that encapsulates your dreams for the future, which will keep you focused on achieving long-term goals.
  2. Split daunting projects into small achievable goals so that it feels less overwhelming.
  3. Reward yourself a little after doing things that need to be done, like filing your tax return.
  4. Schedule reminders on your phone to deal with necessities like eating and sleeping.
  5. Make peace with the fact that it takes up to 21 days to break bad habits like procrastination.
  6. Look at ways you can combine doing something fun and boring simultaneously, like listening to your favorite tunes while filling in a tedious form.
  7. Search for an accountability buddy to keep you on track with your long-term goals.
  8. Attend to boring administrative tasks where you are surrounded by other people (like in a coffee shop).
  9. Take regular breaks during daunting tasks and get rid of your energy by jogging around the block or doing a few push-ups.

Insightful ESTP Characteristics

As you now know a little bit more about these dynamic personalities, here are a few more profound ESTP insights:

  • Their overarching personality traits include being dominant, friendly, flexible and demanding.
  • ESTPs are more prone to suffering from chronic pain conditions than other personalities.
  • While they are assertive in college and are more inclined to finish their studies, they typically have the lowest GPAs compared to other personality types.
  • ESTPs highly value variety, autonomy, structure, and independence at work.
  • They are more likely to complete an MBA.
  • ESTPs predominantly work in law enforcement, skilled trades, marketing, and the business sectors.

Famed ESTPs

Well-known ESTPs include Winston Churchill, Donald Trump, Mae West, George W. Bush, Eddie Murphy, Madonna, Miley Cyrus, Evel Knievel, and Bruce Willis.


Hyperactive ESTPs are far from lazy, especially if they can channel their can-do-attitude into a project that provides instant, tangible results. However, ESTPs are inclined to procrastinate in dealing with tedious yet essential matters that do not provide instant results.

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