ENFPs are known for their sparkling personalities and ability to get a crowd going. Their interests tend to change often, and they can converse about a wide variety of topics in the most charming way.

ENFPs hate small talk because they would rather talk about issues affecting the world around them. Their friendly nature hides the fact that they are very serious individuals. ENFPs can discuss serious topics with a surprising amount of perception and conviction if given a chance.

Most people don’t know that underneath the charming, seemingly frivolous ENFP personality lies a very serious individual. Let’s explore the more serious side of the ENFP personality.

Why The World Thinks ENFPs Are Not Serious

Anyone who has a close relationship with an ENFP can attest that ENFPs are deep thinkers. They are constantly searching for the meaning behind interactions and trying to figure out how things all fit together.

They are excellent listeners because they are genuinely interested in what others have to say. Still, they are equally adept at expressing complicated ideas or captivating an audience with an exciting story.

These intuitive diplomats know when to turn on the charm and can read a room almost instantly, adapting to the overall mood. The problem ENFPs have is that they fear not being liked by everyone, which is practically impossible.

Because they always cater to everyone else’s needs, they can appear too light-hearted and cheerful to be taken seriously. One needs to get to know an ENFP personally to appreciate how seriously they take the world.

ENFPs care about serious subjects such as global warming, alleviating poverty, and how to build meaningful relationships. These perceptive personalities approach life with a sense of curiosity and wonder and are usually well-read about the topics that concern them.

You may be shocked that these outgoing personalities display a unique balance between having a good time and being equally serious when the situation calls for it. Not many people experience this because ENFPs are often called upon as exciting party guests.

The Serious Side Of ENFPs

ENFP types make great counselors because their curious, friendly nature makes them genuinely interested in everyone they encounter. Their perceptive nature helps them to form deeply insightful views of the world.

Anyone who has ever asked an ENFP for life advice may be taken aback by how much depth and maturity these individuals will address a situation. This is because ENFPs think a lot!

ENFPs’ inner thoughts are consumed with making the world a better, brighter place. During these deep thought sessions, ENFPs make sense of the world around them and have a well-developed philosophical and spiritual side.

ENFP Weaknesses

Despite having multiple strengths, ENFPs can seem scattered to the world around them. This is not because they lack intelligence or drive. Instead, their minds can be busy on many projects, failing to complete even one.

Less mature ENFPs need to learn how to match their ferocious drive for starting projects with discipline and focus. Without discipline and the will to see a project through to completion, ENFPs come across as scattered and frivolous to the world around them.

The perception that ENFPs are not to be taken seriously can wound the ENFPs’ pride since they hate to let people down. Their weakness for disorganization and their propensity to start multiple projects but lose interest and hopping to the next can give them a bad reputation.

ENFPs require a close circle of friends and family that provides structure in their lives, encouraging them to focus on one thing at a time. ENFPs must surround themselves with the right people who understand how they think.

While ENFPs can be full of ideas, they struggle with implementation. However, this does not detract from the fact that they are creative problem solvers. If you are a close friend of an ENFP, you will understand that they care about so many things that they can become disheartened by their inability to change things.

Do ENFPs Make Good, Serious Leaders?

ENFPs make inspiring leaders, leading with passion and the ability to mobilize a crowd to affect a change in a specific area. Instead of paying attention to every detail of a project, they approach the world by keeping the big picture in mind. They may come across as dreamers, but at the same time, they always find a way to gain the cooperation of those around them.

The ENFP personality is a natural leader because they quickly gain the trust of important stakeholders. This trust is gained because ENFPs are very genuine people; they dislike pouring their energy into anything that doesn’t fire up their bones-and it shows!

Whether they are campaigning for a worthy cause, leading a business, or doing charity work in the community, they are earnest about their work. ENFP leaders prove that you can be charming, bubbly, and likable while being serious at the same time.

ENFPs Are Selective About Who They Show Their Serious Side To

The ENFPs’ socialite personality may mistake you. They are well aware of the face they show the world and can be very selective about whom they share their deepest thoughts and feelings.

Even though many people may consider the charming ENFP as social butterflies, they have a very introverted, private side. They can be regarded as the most introverted extroverts. Too much interaction may overwhelm this personality as they need time to process all the information they garner from social interaction.

ENFPs enjoy the limelight and are adept at crafting a public persona. This public persona may not come across as particularly serious. Still, ENFPs are masters at reading a room and will know the appropriate setting for light-hearted banter and more serious discussion.

An ENFP will more likely reveal their deep need to discuss things that hold deep meaning for them in a private setting with a very select few people. They may even make light of serious situations or topics in public, which could seem confusing or contradictory.

But this doesn’t mean that ENFPs are not serious; they are very particular about which people and situations they feel comfortable with revealing their true selves. Gaining the trust of an ENFP means that they will slowly start to expose the serious person they are at their core.

As a born diplomat, an ENFP cares deeply about what people think of them and wishes to make everyone comfortable in a social setting. This outward focus means ENFPs will reserve their more serious, private selves to close friends and family.


Curious and perceptive, ENFP personalities are philosophical at their core, often spending plenty of time in deep thought. However, the way that ENFPs express themselves may give the impression that they are not serious individuals. This is because they focus on putting others at ease and meeting the needs of those around them.

ENFPs are excellent communicators who can have serious conversations in the right setting. They are capable leaders who inspire others to reach their full potential.

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