ENTPs are known for being overthinkers. ENTPs are good at coming up with new ideas and being quick on their feet but often find themselves second-guessing their ideas and actions.

Five signs to know that you are an ENTP overthinker include worrying about the outcome of your ideas, obsessing over the little details of things, lying awake replaying your actions of the day, struggling to accept failure, experiencing intrusive thoughts, and feeling restless when stagnant.

Let’s explore signs of ENTP overthinkers to determine whether you are an ENTP overthinker.

What Do ENTPs Overthink About?

ENTPs have very active minds, allowing them to think of brilliant ideas quickly. However, the ability to create great ideas comes with a critical voice that causes them to question their thoughts. Here are a few things that cause ENTPs to overthink.

ENTPs Overthink About The Success Of Their Ideas

ENTPs are constantly coming up with new ideas. As part of their extroverted nature, ENTPs immediately want to jump in and implement their idea once motivation hits. However, they soon start to become critical of their ideas and question the likelihood of a successful outcome.

ENTPs Overthink About How Others Perceive Them

ENTPs are naturally engaging individuals. ENTPs are people who love spending time interacting with others, especially when engaging on topics that allow the ENTP to portray their cognitive thinking abilities.

Given their frequent interactions, ENTPs often become insecure about how they have portrayed themselves during interactions with others. ENTP overthinkers repeatedly run conversations through their heads, trying to determine if they made a good impression.

ENTPs Overthink When They’ve Been Emotional With Others

ENTPs overthink how others perceive them, especially when they express their emotions. ENTPs overthink emotional situations because they view sharing emotions as a sign of vulnerability, which is something they rarely do.

After sharing something emotional, ENTPs tend to dwell on what they’ve shared, evaluate whether they’ve overshared, and wonder how their words impacted the other person. They will often have thoughts of fear that the person will tell others or treat them differently after they have shown weakness.

ENTPs Overthink When They Face Disappointment Or Failure

ENTPs consider themselves strategic individuals who think things through and plan well to avoid a negative outcome. When ENTPs experience disappointment or failure, they tend to beat themselves up for not foreseeing and preventing the outcome.

Given their confident nature, ENTPs overthink because they find it hard to accept that they did not prepare for the outcome they face. When ENTPs experience failure or disappointment, they overthink because they are trying to understand where they went wrong in their planning and want to know how to prevent the issue from arising again.

ENTPs Overthink When They Are Stuck In A Situation

ENTPs like to be active and proactive.

Feeling stuck in a situation causes an ENTP to feel as if their growth is being stifled. When ENTPs are stuck in a situation beyond their control, they begin to overthink what the potential outcomes will be and what the consequences of each outcome could be.

5 Signs To Know If You Are An ENTP Overthinker

Here are five signs that can help you know if you are an ENTP overthinker.

1. You Worry About The Outcome Of Most Of Your Ideas

Many people tend to share their ideas with the hope that they will be well received and successfully implemented. However, ENTP overthinkers attach significant value to sharing their ideas because they feel they’ve shared their creative genius and want it to be well-received.

If you are an ENTP with many ideas and begin to worry the moment the idea starts to be put in place, you may be an ENTP overthinker. If you notice that you become hyper-fixated about whether your idea will be successful, you are arguably overthinking the matter at hand and might be an ENTP overthinker.

2. You Obsess Over The Little Details, Not The Bigger Picture

ENTPs love analyzing information to come to an ideal outcome. However, overthinking ENTPs can be critical and go through any information with a fine toothcomb out of fear that they will miss a crucial detail and cause things to go sideways.

You might be an ENTP overthinker if you find yourself consumed by the little things in situations while often forgetting to keep the bigger picture in mind.

3. You Lay Awake At Night Replaying Your Words And Actions

ENTPs often find themselves tossing and turning at night, replaying the things they said and did during the day. They tend to become insecure about any action that might have been perceived in a negative light and think of ways they can remedy the situation.

If you are an ENTP who lies awake at night criticizing yourself for what you said and did, you might be an ENTP overthinker.

4. You Struggle With Failure And Intrusive Thoughts

ENTPs consider themselves strategic thinkers who foresee adverse outcomes and work hard to prevent them. When ENTPs who are overthinkers experience failure, they become consumed with figuring out what went wrong. They may struggle with intrusive thoughts, as they tend to overthink their failure to the point where it becomes a much bigger issue than it truly is.

If you are an ENTP who struggles with failure and criticism, often considering yourself a worthless failure after even the slightest negative experience, you might be an ENTP overthinker.

5. You Feel Overwhelmed And Restless When Stagnant

ENTPs enjoy being physically and mentally active. ENTPs get an incredible thrill from having to solve challenges. When ENTPs experience stagnant situations where things are beyond their control, they can become quite restless.

If you are someone who feels overwhelmed and restless when things are beyond your control, you may be an ENTP overthinker.


ENTPs tend to overthink what others think of them and the outcome of their ideas. You may be an ENTP overthinker if you are an ENTP who worries about the outcome of your ideas, obsesses over the little details of things, lays awake replaying your actions of the day, struggles to accept failure, experience frequent intrusive thoughts, and feel restless in stagnant situations.

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