With so many Myers-Briggs personality types, it isn’t easy to be acquainted with them all. But do not worry, we’ll help you. If you’ve recently met an ISTP and wonder if they are emotional and sensitive, continue reading.

ISTP-type personalities are not emotional and sensitive. ISTP uses logic and facts to guide them rather than feelings and intuitions. This means they will not take offence to critical comments or take things personally. In Addition, ISTPs can also come across as blunt or insensitive to others.

Continue reading to learn if ISTPs cry, how they handle emotions, and how to spot a depressed ISTP.

Are ISTPs Emotional And Sensitive? 

If you are wondering if ISTPs are emotional and sensitive, look no further. Many Myers-Briggs personality types are emotionally inclined and sensitive, but is the ISTP type one of them? The answer is no. The ISTP is far from emotional and sensitive. Some might even go so far as to say that ISTP types are cold. To engage with the external world, the ISTP uses logic and facts.

This means they value objective data rather than subjective (feelings). The ISTP type is not one to show emotion or engage in emotionally charged conversations. It is not to say that they do not have feelings – they do have feelings- but it is to say that emotions are not on their priority list. As emotions and feelings are not on the ISTP’s priority list, they tend to suppress or ignore them.

Suppressing emotions are unhealthy regardless of whether you are an ISTP or any other personality type. The ISTP may seem calm and collected until they have reached their boiling point. As soon as the threshold is reached, they will lash out in sudden emotional outbursts. The outbursts usually occur under severe times of stress. However, for the most part, ISTPs are level-headed.

ISTPS are not sensitive to criticism either. Comments made to ISTPs are rarely taken personally, whether good or bad. If criticism is given, the ISTP will carefully analyze if it holds any weight. If logical arguments accompany the complaint, the ISTP will consider the critique.

If not, the ISTP is likely to disregard it. Throughout the criticism process, ISTPs do not get emotionally involved. Comments and criticisms are taken from a purely objective view. Thus, you do not need to be shy about telling an ISTP what you think. You won’t hurt their feelings.

Are ISTPs Emotionally Sensitive To Others?

ISTPs are not emotionally sensitive to others. ISTPs let their logic guide how they make decisions and react. The ISTP responds to what makes sense to them, not feelings or intuition. Unfortunately, the tendency to be driven by rationality, while an excellent quality, also has its downfalls. During conversations, they can often come across as blunt, insensitive, or cold.

As a result, ISTP types are not ones that others rely on for emotional support. Even if ISTPs try to be more empathetic, it often does not come across well to others. They would prefer to offer practical solutions rather than empathize. In relationships, the ISTP likes to engage in shared activities rather than intimate conversations.

This can cause problems, especially if the partner wants an emotional connection. Additionally, ISTPs despise emotionally charged conversations or messy drama. They get incredibly frustrated when surrounded by people who let their emotions lead them or by drama.

Do ISTPs Cry?

Since ISTPs seem to be void of emotions, you might assume that ISTPs don’t cry. But, first, it’s important to note that ISTPs have feelings, even though they don’t typically show them. So, if ISTPs have emotions, does that mean that they cry?

Yes. ISTPs do cry. However, they cry very rarely. ISTJs do not see the value of emotional crying. Yes, biologically, crying has its benifits. But crying for emotional reasons seems purposeless. INTJs need a rationale to justify their behavior. For them, emotions and feelings are not a strong enough justification. Unless, of course, it is something that is very significant, like a loss of a loved one.

However, even though INTJs tend to cry only when there is a rationale, this is not always the case. Emotions can sometimes be hard to contain, no matter your personality type. ISTPs can sometimes cry when there is a lot of pent-up anger or frustration or under other stressful situations. In addition, when ISTPs cry, they are careful to never cry in front of people.

ISTPs prefer to cry privately without the gaze of others. This is because ISTPs might view crying in front of others as embarrassing or making them feel too vulnerable. They may also think that others will judge them for crying. This is because ISTPs change their perception of someone they see crying, so they only assume others would do the same to them.

Do ISTPs Feel Sad?

Yes. ISTPs feel sad and depressed. The problem lies in that ISTPs often do not know when they are depressed as they always try to ignore their emotions. ISTPs who are depressed or sad might become overly analytical, suspicious, or high-strung. They also might lose the motivation to do tasks, finding no reason or purpose in the activities.

ISTPs who are sad or depressed may isolate themselves from their family and friends and stop speaking to them. They also might engage in impulsive behavior or neglect their bodies, such as not eating enough or sleeping enough.

Furthermore, they will feel overwhelmed if they are smothered with support and gushiness. However, this does not mean you should not offer them support. They need support. Try to give ISTPs small gestures or words of encouragement instead. In addition, offering to do activities with them may also be appreciated. Support is always best, even though the ISTP types might fight against it.


ISTPs are far from the emotional and sensitive type. They do not like emotionally charged conversations and will refrain from expressing emotion as much as possible. ISTPs also have thick skin in that they do not take comments personally.

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