The term “narcissist” has been popularized in recent media history as an attribute to describe many leading figures in politics, media, and popular culture. This, however, is a misnomer. The truth is that narcissism is a real personality disorder that requires a medical diagnosis and should be managed only through a comprehensive treatment plan.

ISFPs would best be described as the typical anti-narcissists. Although sometimes regarded as aloof by others, which can be misconstrued as having an exaggerated sense of self-importance, they are, in fact, tolerant and actively helpful to those in need of support or assistance.

Quiet and unassuming, ISFPs are doers rather than talkers. They are thoughtful and caring background operators who prefer to shun the spotlight and take on a supportive role when dealing with those in need. ISFPs prefer not to draw too much attention to themselves, which is sometimes a trait regarded with suspicion by others.

What Makes Someone A Narcissist?

Narcissism is a label often assigned to anyone who outwardly displays a grandiose sense of self-importance. Online social media tools such as Facebook, Tik Tok, and Instagram are inundated with pretty, vain people flexing biceps and pouting lips.

However, these two constructs, narcissism, and vanity, are not the same. Narcissism is about one’s own exaggerated self-perception, which is not always easily detectable at face value. Vanity describes someone who is excessively proud of their appearance or accomplishments, and this trait is usually fairly evident. Vanity may be irritating, but it is not regarded as a personality disorder.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a mental condition where someone has an overstated opinion of themselves. They crave the attention and admiration of those around them. It usually manifests itself in relationships with others, making these people unpopular in social settings such as work or school.

The causes of narcissism are not well known but are thought to be genetic as well as environmental. Neglect or abuse in childhood, unhealthy parenting styles, and cultural influences are all cited as contributing factors. NPD cannot be cured, but treatment plans are available requiring psychological diagnosis, medication, and psychotherapy techniques.

The ISFP Personality Type

The ISFP Myers-Briggs personality types are rare and constitute around 9% of the population. They are warm, caring, and spontaneous. Quick to help or support others in need, they take on life with a cheerful and enthusiastic approach.

Intuitive, practical, and super observant, ISFPs are very attuned to picking up details that others may miss. They will see situations in a holistic way and solve problems in an organized and coherent manner. Connections and patterns are formed easily in an ISFPs brain, and the solutions they offer are of a pragmatic and useful nature.

Open-mindedness and acceptance of others are also character traits of ISFPs. They live by a strict philosophy that defines for themselves what is true, good, and correct, yet they viscerally understand human complexity and that everyone has their own path to beat in life.

ISFPs tend to have very high aspirations and may feel unfulfilled if these personal goals are not fulfilled. Although completely unfounded, they are often very self-deprecating, as if they are sometimes covering their perceived inadequacies through criticism or humor directed towards themselves.

Often seen as arty types, ISFPs have a strong sense of aesthetics. With an acute talent for manipulating objects physically, they are usually quite adept at handling creative tools such as paint brushes or sculptor’s knives, and many famous artists and musicians have been classified as ISFP.

ISFPs are not particularly tolerant of those who seem to dream bigger than what they can present as achievements. Although justifiable, they must remind themselves that interacting with longer-term visionaries is not necessarily a bad thing. By actively seeking out entrepreneurs and inventors, they should find themselves in a better position to push their boundaries a bit more.

Are ISFPs Manipulative?

ISFPs can be manipulative but only in as far as they feel it is necessary in order not to feel like they themselves are being manipulated or coerced by others. Yet this perceived manipulation is not intentional and should not be taken at face value.

ISFPs are tolerant and do not respond well to unwarranted criticism towards themselves or to others. They are generally quite accommodating but will maneuver themselves out of a social situation that makes them uncomfortable.

Are ISFPs Good Liars?

ISFPs are warm, caring people with integrity. And they expect the same from others. This makes it difficult for them to lie or be dishonest. They strive to be nice to everyone, which may leave them with no choice but to lie to someone if it means that their feelings won’t be hurt.

It is therefore unsurprising that they will err on the side of integrity and honesty over peaceful coexistence with others. Although this can be mistaken for tactless thoughtlessness, their brutal honesty is meant to convey an open-hearted attitude and should be taken in good faith.

3 Signs Of A Toxic ISFP

  • ISFPs, due to their sensitivity and caring personalities, can sometimes be manipulative or deceptive to keep the peace or to avoid hurting someone else’s feelings. Unfortunately for them, this may come across as deceitful or manipulative to others.
  • A toxic ISFP may occasionally find themselves in a difficult personal situation requiring them to rely on other people to bail them out of their difficulties. These behaviors can manifest in all aspects of their lives, such as family planning and finances.
  • ISFPs rationalize through feeling. When they absorb the pain and suffering of others, they can retreat from society and become isolated without sharing their thoughts and ideas. This type of behavior may become repetitive, which can be damaging to existing relationships.


Drawing a line between ISFP neurotypical people and narcissists could never be further from the truth. ISFPs are anything but narcissists, whether the term is used to refer to someone displaying narcissistic tendencies or if they have been officially and medically diagnosed with the narcissistic disorder.

Many famous musicians and entertainers have been classified as ISFPs, including Michael Jackson, Rihanna, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Cher, Bob Dylan, Britney Spears, and Lady Gaga.


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