The “psychopath” label is a term we often use to describe someone we tend to disagree with or mistrust: a cold, calculating opponent, often ruthless and generally not very likable. On the other hand, INTPs get a bad rap due to their introverted nature, which is often confused with psychopathic tendencies.

INTPs are one of 16 Myers-Briggs personality types, often described as philosophical innovators. Psychopathy is a neuropsychiatric disorder that is characterized by a lack of empathy and emotion and weak behavioral control. The two personality types are mutually exclusive and shouldn’t be confused.

To an outside observer, a person with INTP personality traits often seems to be detached, introverted, and calculating. These are also characteristics that can also be used to describe a psychopath. The truth is far more complex, and psychopathy should not be confused with an INTP personality type.

What Makes A Psychopath?

In psychiatry, the official definition of psychopathy is “antisocial personality disorder (ASPD).” It is regarded as a mental illness but does not in itself constitute an official diagnosis. Instead, it is best described as an individual displaying high levels of violation and manipulation towards others.

The main characteristic of psychopathic behavior is the inability to see right from wrong, and therefore these types of individuals have the potential to cause great harm to others without feeling any empathy or remorse for their actions. Psychopaths tend to lie frequently and will often find themselves on the wrong side of the law as a consequence of their behavior.

Due to the fact that people who exhibit these kinds of behaviors do not care if they hurt those around them, are impulsive and aggressive, and usually struggle to form and nurture close, meaningful relationships with others. This can lead them to become aggressive, yet not necessarily violent.

Contrary to popular belief that psychopaths, or sociopaths as they are sometimes called, are not necessarily highly intelligent, at least not more so than the average person. What they are is manipulative, which often leads them to resort to superficial charm in order to win others over, particularly persons of the opposite sex.

In several empirical intelligence tests conducted, it was found that individuals with psychopathic traits actually scored lower than average. However, the famous psychopath and serial killer Ted Bundy was regarded as highly intelligent; this is regarded as an exception rather than the rule.

In addition to the behavioral signs observed in psychopaths, other characteristics can be observed. There are more men than women with this diagnosis, and although legally, you can be only be diagnosed with ASPD at age 18, there are children as young as 11 who display this disorder through their antisocial conduct.

There is no cure for psychopathy, and treatment is difficult. It is possible to suppress the severity of the disorder using a combination of psychotherapy and medication. The medication can decrease the associated symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and aggression. Talk therapy can help the person understand the impact certain negative behaviors have on others.

The INTP Personality Type

The INTP is one of the 16 Myers-Briggs (MBTI) personality types. INTP stands for “Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving.” The idea behind these four core personality traits was conceived by the famous Swiss psychologist and psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung.

Individuals who fall into this result category are typically described as philosophical and innovative, driven largely by logical analysis and complex systems and design. They tend to focus on concepts and ideas rather than the details and facts that make up these concepts. They are flexible and spontaneous, preferring to make decisions based on logical reasoning.

Commonly referred to as the “Architects,” INTPs are seen as “oddball” loners, as described by MBTI creator Susan Myers. They are usually found alone, locked in thought about some universal theoretical law, being philosophical and analytical.

Due to their dominant trait, introversion, INTP’s area appear to be detached from the reality around them. Others see them as “antisocial” as they generally do not engage in idle chit-chat or small talk with others and rarely engage in conversation with larger groups of people.

The INTP’s mind is the area of the greatest activity. Therefore, they are often unconcerned with trivial matters such as home décor, dress sense, or even personal grooming. This often makes them stick out in peer groups as being somehow “uncool.”

Unconventional and offbeat, they can sometimes find themselves left out of social circles, which can cause further alienation from other people or groups.

Psychopaths And INTPs, The Differences

Due to their loner personality traits, INTPs are often ostracized by others, particularly in their formative years. They can sometimes struggle to feel understood by more gregarious, outgoing types. They are sometimes mistakenly judged by others to be antisocial and suffer from a personality disorder.

INTPs may have problems forming new, lasting friendships, yet they are not antisocial. They are friendly and warm with close family and friends and those who share their interests.

The key to understanding the differences between psychopaths and INTPs lies in the words “antisocial”. Although INTPs can be perceived as loners who largely keep to themselves and are less sociable than the average person, they are not antisocial.

Many people assume that antisocial suggests someone who has a personality disorder exhibited by irresponsible, impulsive, and often destructive behaviors. These individuals diagnosed with ASPD tend to challenge societal rules and norms, often with criminal outcomes.

Can INTPs Be Manipulative?

INTPs can be manipulative in the quest to push boundaries and to probe people’s responses. It is not considered a classic INTP trait and can be found in other MBTI personality types, particularly the ENFP type.

INTPs will use words to manipulate using words to evoke a verbal response. Usually, this is done unintendedly and with the aim of stimulating debate or thought. They are, after all, naturally curious people.


The Myers-Briggs MBTI neurotypicals were designed to classify people according to their personality types, not disorders. While an INTP personality type may outwardly display traits and behaviors that appear similar to someone perceived to have “psychopathic” tendencies, this is not an accurate assessment.

An individual diagnosed as a psychopath, which by definition is a mental illness, may be more likely to be INTP, and parts of both profiles do match. The same does not apply the other way around. An INTP is not a psychopath.

Many historically famous people have been considered to be INTP, including Microsoft founder Bill Gates, Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, actor, and comedian Rowan Atkinson and biologist Charles Darwin. None of these people could really be considered to be psychopaths.

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