Since INTPs are often seen as intellectual yet unemotional people, many assume they are dangerous or evil. This stereotype couldn’t be further from the truth. INTPs are relatively empathetic but have different ways of expressing themselves.

INTPs are not evil or dangerous but are prone to outbursts of rage and other strong emotions. They tend to bottle all their feelings up until it is too much to bear, and then they take these emotions out on others. This is what may make them seem evil or dangerous.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how INTPs deal with their rage and frustration and understand why they are sometimes wrongly deemed as dangerous or aggressive people.

Can INTPs Be Evil?

INTPs as a group are not necessarily evil, but they can become passive-aggressive or have outbursts of rage that are more extreme than other people.

Why Do Some People Think INTPs Are Evil?

INTPs are thought to have the highest IQ of any personality type. While this is debatable, their analytical minds are indeed designed to draw connections quickly. INTPs perceive a constellation of options when others see a clear path ahead.

Because of their rapid leaping, they can evaluate large volumes of data simultaneously and outmaneuver practically anybody else while discussing it. Suppose you disagree with an INTP’s analysis. In that case, you’re likely to be stumped since they’ve previously analyzed your issue from your perspective, the opposing side, and eight additional perspectives you weren’t aware of. They aren’t always correct, but they can always out-debate someone and appear to be correct.

This can be useful, and INTPs benefit from that speedy analysis mode. However, if you want to impress them, don’t simply go up with a dispute. You should rather show up with evidence that your plan works. Your debate will then become a data point, and you and the INTP will be able to move on to the next important topic.

Some people might view this personality trait as manipulative or commanding, but it actually comes from a place of knowledge and understanding. Don’t be too quick to judge an INTP simply because of this part of their personality.

Do INTPs Get Angry Easily?

INTPs are sometimes misunderstood as aloof or emotionless. However, INTPs, like everyone else, experience rage and other emotions. The only distinction is that they show their anger or irritation in a different way. INTPs have a tendency to hold their rage in until it explodes. When it does, it may be quite a big explosion.

How Do INTPs Express Anger?

Most of the time, INTP rage stems from an issue or emotion they have avoided or ignored for a long time. They try to put their negative feelings away in order to avoid being perceived as emotional, preferring instead to be as rational as possible.

While ignoring such emotions may feel better in the short term, it has a cost in the long run. Eventually, the INTP becomes more enraged over something that seemed insignificant at the time.

INTPs may use small sarcastic remarks to communicate frustration, but the stinging remarks do not help this personality type process anger healthily. They may spend time dissecting such ideas, even coming up with justifications for why they are upset with someone. This behavior can lead to the INTP venting their anger on someone else over time, although the outburst can be targeted and violent.

The INTP is prone to making harsh comments aimed at the individual, which can wreak havoc on their relationships.

How Can INTPs Process Their Anger Better?

One of the most crucial things for INTPs to remember is that they must make time for their emotions. They would rather concentrate on logic and reasonable intellect but can not ignore their emotions indefinitely. When the INTP learns that to keep more control over their feelings, they must analyze and focus on them for a short period of time, they can manage them better.

While it is unhelpful to spend too much time on one’s own feelings, the INTP can benefit from taking some time to digest more significant emotions. Knowing how to articulate their feelings more effectively might help them healthily process them if they are sincerely upset about something.

Do INTPs Feel Remorse?

In some cases, the INTP will feel guilty about the ways that they choose to air their grievances to others. When they’re in a rage, the INTP has tunnel vision and only sees one thing: they need to let it all out. They find it difficult to control their outburst until it is over and they have communicated what they believe has to be said. INTPs may later regret their actions and feel shame for expressing their feelings in such a forceful manner.

What Happens When INTPs Become Frustrated?

INTPs become cynical and pessimistic when they are unappreciated, misunderstood, or unable to employ their skills. They frequently withdraw from society, feeling suffocated and criticized by it. They are more combative, sarcastic, and critical of others and themselves while they are in this mood.

INTPs become mentally restricted when they’re forced to interact with people who do not understand them. They may grow gloomy as they anticipate their own failure, feeling that it is pointless to try to explain themselves since they will definitely be misunderstood.


While INTPs may not be the best at dealing with strong, overwhelming emotions, they are definitely not dangerous or evil people. However, they desperately need to learn to process their feelings and make time for better, more in-depth communication. They need to learn to listen and appreciate the opinions and feelings of others, as this will benefit their interpersonal relationships greatly.

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