Have you, or someone you know, ever experienced being manipulated by an INTJ? If yes, then the experience probably left you wondering if all INTJs are manipulative or if you just happened to have met a manipulative individual (who made INTJs look bad). So, are INTJs manipulative and evil?

INTJs are not manipulative individuals. However, they are more prone to manipulate a situation or person to get what they want. INTJs take care not to hurt the other person in the process. Additionally, while some might view INTJs as evil, they are far from it.

Many people view INTJ types as villainous. Some may even view INTJ types as dangerous and evil. Read on to find out if these views bear any weight.

Are INTJs Manipulative?

Let’s take a look if INTJs are manipulative. First, let me say that INTJs can be manipulative. In fact, they can be so good at manipulation that you won’t even know what hit you until it’s too late. In other words, they can play you like a fiddle. But are INTJs manipulative?

Before we get into the answer, it is essential to note that there is a difference between a manipulative personality and a tendency to manipulate. So, do INTJS have a manipulative personality? No. Do they have a tendency to manipulate? Yes. Even more so than some other personality types.

What distinguishes INTJ manipulation from other types is that the INTJ will only manipulate if it helps them achieve a goal or purpose. They don’t just manipulate willy-nilly just for the sake of it. And when they manipulate, they do so in a way that will either benefit everyone or not harm the other person. They will never manipulate with malicious intent.

To put it another way, they use their powers for good, or at the very least, their powers do not cause destruction. What makes INTJs pros at manipulation is their ability to analyze all the data and facts to develop an effective strategy to achieve their goals. When they have a plan, they follow it – unlike some of us who struggle to get past the ‘dreaming phase.’

If their ability to manipulate scares you, don’t worry. INTJs do not always engage in manipulation. As said before, they only manipulate to achieve a goal and are unlikely to harm you in the process. Have you ever debated with an INTJ? If so, you may have noticed that INTJs ask strategic questions to get you to dig yourself into a hole.

The INTJs will then prove their point using logic, facts, and data. Even though INTJs use manipulation to prove their point, it is not done in an attempt to harm the other person. INTJs also use manipulation tactics to benefit other people.

For example, when an INTJ is aware that the other person is making or will make the wrong choice, they may manipulate the person to choose the right option. In these cases, INTJs don’t see manipulation tactics as immoral or wrong since they are trying to help the other person.

Can INTJS Be Manipulated?

It’s unlikely that you will be able to manipulate an INTJ. INTJs can spot a manipulation tactic from a mile away and will not be swayed. In addition, their strong values, morals, and principles make them harder to manipulate.

INTJs have an interesting characteristic in that even though they can manipulate others; they hate it when other people do the same. INTjs value honesty and authenticity from others, and a breach of trust may make them lose respect for the person.

Are INTJs Evil?

No. INTJs are not evil. In fact, no personality type is inherently evil. The oxford dictionary describes evil as “profoundly immoral and wicked.” So, while evil or dark types exist within every personality type, being an INTJ does not make you an evil person.

Why Are INTJs Portrayed As Villains? 

Why do INTJ personality types tend to be portrayed as villains? Well, there are a few reasons for this. Here are some of the reasons:

1. INTJs can appear cold

Upon first meeting, INTJs can seem distant and emotionally unavailable. However, it does not mean that they are cold and distant; it simply means that they tend to extravert those characteristics.

For example, INTJs often wear a serious expression, which may lead people to suspect that they are in a bad mood when, in fact, they are in a great mood! INTJs are the perfect example of don’t judge a book by its cover. 

2. The INTJ is different

The INTJ is among the rarest personality type in the world, forming just over 2% of the population. Unfortunately for the INTJ type, people tend to be attracted to things that are familiar/similar to them and shy away from different things. Thus, It is easier to picture a villain that is different from you than one that is the same as you, right? 

3. INTJs are strategic

INTJs are more than adept at planning and implementing strategies to get what they want. While this ability in and of itself is not inherently “villainous,” combine it with a cold demeanor and personality that differs from the average person, and you have the prototypical villain.

Are INTJs Dangerous?

Are INTJs dangerous? No. INTJs are quiet-natured individuals who often want to be left alone. They are not morally wicked people who seek the demise of others. In fact, the opposite is true. They usually have very high moral and ethical standards by which they abide.

So, no, INTJs are not dangerous. However, if someone were to act unjustly towards an INTJ’s loved ones or themselves, they will silently strategize to attain a lethal dose of justice.


INTJs do not have manipulative personalities and are not evil. Although they are more prone to manipulation to get what they want, they will not leave a path of destruction in the process. INTJs have high moral and ethical standards. They abide by these standards and will not cause harm to other individuals.

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