INFP is an abbreviation of “introverted, intuition, feeling, and perception.” It is one of the 16 personality types identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. They are usually mediators and idealists. They are also very rare.

INFPs are not narcissistic people. They are one of the least personality types to be narcissistic. Narcissists usually think very highly of themselves. They think others are inferior, and they lack empathy. INFPs are empathetic and caring. So they are the complete opposite of narcissists.

INFPs are very rarely narcissistic. They tend to be victims of narcissistic people. This article explains why INFPs are generally not narcissistic and also looks at the other types of destructive behavior they can exhibit. It also looks at the rare cases when some INFPs can be covert narcissists.

Can INFPs Be Narcissistic?

INFPs are usually not narcissistic. They are mostly mediators and strive to make the world better for everyone. People with this personality type often try to understand themselves better and explore how they can use their skills to serve humanity best.

INFPs are usually more reserved and quiet due to their introverted nature. They have a lot going on on the inside, which they don’t typically share with others. This can make it hard for them to communicate their emotions and opinions. Because of this, INFPs might come across as cool and distant because they find it difficult to open up to other people.

INFPs are very idealistic in nature. They are loyal, very thoughtful, wise, and also creative. They care very much about the people around them. INFPs are usually victims of narcissists and tend to attract them rather than be narcissistic themselves. Where narcissists lack empathy and certain emotions, INFPs are the opposite. INFPs tend to be very empathetic and emotional.

Where narcissists tend to have exploitative relationships with people, INFPs usually only feel comfortable with a close-knit group. It takes INFPs a while to get comfortable around people. They are great listeners and very authentic. They also like to be with people who share the same beliefs and moral values they do.

Traits Of An INFP

INFPs have traits that narcissists do not have. Because INFPs are introverted, caring, and empathetic, they usually attract narcissists instead of being a narcissist themselves. In most cases, INFPs are the complete opposite of narcissists.

INFPs Are Introverted

Narcissists are usually extroverted, attention-seeking, and bold. These are characteristics that are not generally present with INFPs. INFPs are quiet and reserved. Social activities usually drain their energy quickly. They much rather prefer being alone, or with only a group of close friends or family, they are comfortable with.

Narcissists, on the other hand tend to have superficial interactions with people to help their positive self-image. They are usually bored or even depressed when they do not receive attention or praise.

INFPs Are Caring And Empathetic

INFPs are empathetic and tend to care about bettering the world. Narcissists usually have a sense of self-importance. They are also preoccupied with power, success, beauty, and ideal love. Genuinely caring for others without considering the benefits is not something a narcissist would do.

Narcissists also have a major sense of self-importance and tend to think they deserve special treatment. They are also known for their lack of empathy. INFPs are the opposite. Usually, INFPs are too empathetic. They are also moved to become involved when witnessing injustices.

INFPs Usually Attract Narcissists

INFPs tend to attract narcissists more than actually being narcissistic. Because of their gentle and caring nature, narcissists will usually see INFPs as easy to manipulate. INFPs are very empathetic and loyal. Because of this, they tend to attract unhealthy people in general.

Signs Of A Toxic INFP

Every personality type can be destructive, including INFPs. While rare, certain INFPs might be covert narcissists. Some INFPs can exhibit destructive behavior. Some of them can be self-absorbed and passive-aggressive. Because of their idealistic nature, they might enjoy living in a fantasy world with little care for reality. Their idealism might also cause them to see others as flawed and disappointing.

In some cases, INFPs can be covert narcissists. Covert narcissists are narcissists who do not display the exquisite sense of self-importance that overt narcissists do.

Sometimes INFPs’ introverted nature can cause them to retreat to their own little bubble and silently judge others. They might also see themselves as morally superior, especially since INFPs usually have a strong moral compass. Where over narcissists seek admiration, INFPs usually retreat and become distant.  

INFPs can have a secret sense of superiority in certain cases, even though they come across as shy or modest. Covert narcissists avoid social situations like INFPs usually do. A covert narcissist may avoid social situations out of envy or social anxiety. They also tend to compare themselves to others.

Covert narcissists are very sensitive to criticism and might feel insulted when they have not been insulted in reality. They become defensive quite quickly and can be vindictive when insulted. These types of people also have difficulty with work and relationships.

The way they behave may make it difficult for them to stay at work or maintain relationships. They are also prone to suffer from depression, anxiety, or borderline personality disorder.

INFPs who are covert narcissists may judge others harshly or cut people out of their lives who they believe to be flawed or disappointing. INFPs might also come across as insensitive or indifferent.

Are INFPs Manipulative?

INFPs have strong moral values and can certainly use them to influence a person’s thinking. They can make the other person feel bad about their actions, especially if that person did something morally wrong. An unhealthy INFP can certainly go too far and manipulate others to do what they think is right even if it’s not.


INFPs are usually not narcissists. They are preoccupied with bettering the world. People with an INFP personality are very empathetic, which are traits that are not present in narcissists. But there are rare INFPs who are covert narcissists. They usually have a sense of superiority and may judge others harshly if they do not live up to their idealistic expectations.

However, INFPs tend to be victims of narcissists instead of being narcissists themselves. Generally, INFPs are too caring and empathetic to be narcissistic!

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