Most people are unlikely to ask for a personality type on the first date; however, it can be super helpful in determining a person’s sexual energy and understanding what their sexual language is or what they enjoy in the bedroom. Many people are curious about ESTJs because they are labeled as boring but said to have great sexual activity. If you want to know if ESTJs are good in bed, let us find out the truth.

ESTJs are great in bed because they channel their assertive and direct nature in the bedroom. They love relationships and use sex to connect and build intimacy. ESTJs are predictable and not always open to trying new things, but they work hard and ensure to satisfy their partners in the bedroom.

It is no secret that sexual intimacy is a significant part of romantic relationships, and the satisfaction level can play a major role in a person’s quality of life. Your sexual partner must almost always match your energy to understand your sexual language. In the MBTI community, ESTJs are said to have some of the best sexual relations, and if you are wondering why, you can read further to find out.

What Are ESTJs Like In Bed?

ESTJs are go-getters; they ensure they get what they want in life, which also translates in the bedroom. Whether ESTJs are in several monogamous relationships or prefer one-night stands, they consistently achieve sexually.

Below we will explain how ESTJ men and women are in bed to get a more detailed understanding.

What Are ESTJ Men Like In Bed?

ESTJ men are excellent sexual lovers and enjoy satisfying their partners. Here are a few sexual qualities of ESTJ men:

ESTJ Men Initiate Sex

ESTJ men love to initiate sex. They are straightforward, have a high sex drive, and ensure to let their partners know when they want something. They don’t wait to be initiated or asked. If they are ready, they will take action. Many partners find that super sexy and enjoy the excitement that comes with it.

ESTJ Men Are Assertive In Bed

Being assertive and dominant in bed is a skilled quality in ESTJ men. They love to be in control. ESTJ men enjoy being the ones to please and satisfy their partners. They can play their sexual partner like a violin, bringing them more excitement and satisfaction for their turn.

ESTJ Men Prefer Sexual Predictability

You will not often find an ESTJ man who wants to try wilder, freakier sexual activities. They don’t care much about trying new positions or being spontaneous in bed. ESTJ men are predictable and matter-of-fact with sex. They know what they want, master the skills, and use that efficiently every time. They don’t get bored and keep their partners so happy and satisfied that they don’t mind.

ESTJ Men Make Sure To Satisfy Their Partners Sexually

Very little comes close to a partner who can satisfy you every time in bed. ESTJ men have the skill to do that. With practice and predictability, they never leave their partners unhappy. This quality makes them extraordinary in bed because they get turned on by their partner’s pleasure and climaxes, resulting in better and more exciting performances.

What Are ESTJ Women Like In Bed?

ESTJ women are slightly more predictable than men in bed. They also love to be in control and initiate sex. They also enjoy foreplay but have a mature approach to sexual activities. They care for their partners to be satisfied, but unlike the men, it’s not something that will get them more excited.

Sex with ESTJ women can be incredible, but if there is not much chemistry, it will be average but never bad. They love to direct because they do have a dominant nature, but that does not mean they will go about the “wilder” side of things. They stick to what they know they like and enjoy.

Having an ESTJ woman as a sexual partner can be extremely fun if each partner communicates well. That can be difficult for ESTJs as they prefer not to discuss things too deeply. They want to take action. But because they are confident and usually stick to what they know, they get pretty good at their skills and have great sex with which their partners will agree.

What is an ESTJ’s sexual energy like?

Sexual energy is essential to understand in a partner. It determines whether or not they will initiate, if they enjoy foreplay, trying new things, their facial expressions, body language, whether they can communicate, moan, etc. If any of those are essential in your life, you will want to ensure that your sexual energy matches your ESTJ partner.

Here is what ESTJ sexual energy is like:

  • ESTJs are aggressive (in a sexy way) in bed, just as they are in their daily lives.
  • They are not afraid to request what they want and prefer partners who do the same.
  • They will not bother to try new things in the bedroom unless their partner asks.
  • They enjoy foreplay but minimally unless their partner is into it.
  • Their partner’s pleasure and climaxes highly turn on their excitement and happiness.
  • They focus intensely on their partner and ensure they feel heard, understood, and pleased to enhance the experience.
  • They value communication about sex which helps them perform better.
  • They love sex and relationships, and intercourse is a way for them to connect with their partners.
  • They take on sex as a challenge to excel as they treat most things in life.
  • ESTJs are always looking for ways to improve their sexual skills and set high standards to achieve their expectations.


From all the information described above, we can conclude that ESTJs are incredible sexual lovers and will not hesitate to improve themselves and always ensure their partners are pleased. They stick to predictable methods and master their skills because of it, always resulting in fantastic sex, but they will be happy to try new things if their partner wants. They love a challenge with sex and typically achieve.

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