Each personality type has healthy and unhealthy versions that show vastly different character traits. As a result, there are different manifestations of personality types that can earn the specific type a reputation, positively or negatively. Certain personality types may appear a certain way, while the truth is very different from how others perceive it.

ESFPs are known as the life of the party. They are fun-loving people who thoroughly enjoy living in the moment. While this can appear shallow to some people, ESFPs are, in fact, very caring, loving, and loyal. They are also highly empathetic, allowing them to ensure everybody is also having fun.

While a typical ESFP may seem flighty and whimsical on the surface, there is much more to this personality type than meets the eye. They have exceptional social skills that allow them to connect with various people. An unhealthy ESFP, however, can potentially cause more harm than good without realizing it.

Are ESFPs Shallow & Self-Centered?

ESFPs are not actually shallow and self-centered at all. While the way they conduct themselves in a social setting may make others look flighty and shallow, ESFPs are genuinely interested in other people.

An ESFP will always enjoy letting their hair down and having fun. Still, they are just as likely to engage with you in deep conversation when the occasion arises. An ESFP may jump from one conversation to another with various people in a social setting. This speaks to their genuine love of people and an inherent interest in getting to know people.

ESFPs crave connections with a great variety of people. They love to talk to people and can get along with almost anybody regardless of background or personality type. Whether catching up with old friends or getting to know new people, ESFPs are fully invested in the people with whom they interact, albeit for a short time.

Their sensitivity and empathy allow them to connect with every different type of person. ESFPs are highly intelligent in a social and emotional sense.

Are ESFPs Selfish?

A healthy ESFP is generally not selfish whatsoever. They love to help people and talk to them about their problems. ESFPs generally have plenty of compassion and love for the people in their lives, and ESFPs will often go out of their way to help those they care for.

ESFPs take their friendships very seriously, and their ability to connect with a vast array of people allows them to forge many genuine friendships instead of only having acquaintances. ESFPs genuinely love people and want to help them in whatever way they can. ESFPs genuinely want to make other people happy and will often put the needs and wants of other people above their own.

The actions of ESFPs are often determined by their desire to make other people laugh and ensure they are having a good time. Their incredible social and emotional intelligence allows them to pick up on others’ emotions and tune in to what these people might need. This allows the ESFP to ensure that everybody is having a good time.

Their acute awareness of their surrounding environment allows them to pick up on the emotions of others, potentially allowing them to anticipate an event before it actually occurs and to pick up on things that nobody else notices.

The inherent empathy of an ESFP allows them to truly put themselves in another person’s shoes while feeling their feelings.

Healthy Vs. Unhealthy ESFPs

As with any personality type, there is a major difference between a healthy and an unhealthy version of the same type. A healthy ESFP is a great person to have around who will tune into your emotions and those of everybody else to ensure they are okay.

On the other hand, an unhealthy ESFP can potentially cause havoc for those around them as they pursue the next exciting prospect without considering others in the process.

A healthy ESFP is highly empathetic, authentic, and genuinely compassionate towards other people. Nothing brings them more joy than bringing joy to the lives of other people. They have a strong belief system and will always stand up for their beliefs, irrespective of the outcome.

Healthy ESFPs tend to have a great love for animals and children alike. Caring for people less fortunate than themselves is another aspect of an ESFP’s personality that makes them great people. Their empathy, compassion, and authentic nature allow them to care for others with great enthusiasm.

A healthy, well-adjusted ESFP thrives on bringing happiness to anybody who crosses their path. They have an uncanny ability to see the beauty in everything and make others aware of this inherent beauty that can be found in almost any situation.

However, all of the qualities that make an ESFP great can manifest very differently if the person is maladjusted and unhealthy in terms of their personality development. An unhealthy ESFP can be described as destructive by nature. This is where you will see the shallow, self-absorbed personality begin to shine through.

Their zest for life can translate into negative patterns of sensationalism, jumping from one exciting experience to another without consideration for how their actions affect others. An unhealthy ESFP will be highly attention-seeking, impulsive, and self-absorbed.

The tendency toward positively enjoying the limelight can manifest negatively if the ESFP is unhealthy. This can be seen in an intense disdain for anyone who might possibly outshine or upstage them. These people will often be treated with passive-aggressive behavior.

When it comes to romantic connections, an unhealthy ESFP may move from one partner to the next with very little regard for the trail of broken hearts left behind them. As soon as a relationship shows signs of becoming stagnant or boring or requires the ESFP to look at possible self-improvement, this unhealthy individual will jump ship for the next, more exciting person who comes along.

An unhealthy ESFP is ruled solely by their emotions. As a result, they can be madly in love with somebody one minute and ready to leave or cheat the next moment. This emotionally charged existence will filter into other aspects of their lives, making them unstable and rather unsettling to be around.


Despite how they might be perceived by some people, ESFPs are not inherently shallow and self-centered. Unhealthy, destructive ESFPs may tend towards a more shallow, self-serving manifestation of their personality. However, a healthy ESFP is deep, intuitive, and highly empathetic towards others. An ESFP simply wants to make other people happy in whatever they do.

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