What kind of charismatic personality with exceptional reasoning skills can address intellectually daunting conundrums with pioneering solutions yet are so forgetful that they are incapable of remembering what they had for breakfast?  ENTPs!

ENTPs are forgetful as they are big-picture personalities who are more concerned with their ground-breaking, innovative ideas than minor details.  They possess exceptional long-term memory recall abilities regarding complex matters, yet their short-term memory recall skills are poor at best.

Most ENTPs are highly complex personalities that reside in the vast realm of ideas or concepts that most people would find really difficult to fathom.  So, if you want to know more about the fascinating world of these intriguing genii and why they are so forgetful – read on!

Myers-Briggs In A Nutshell

This insightful personality assessment tool was devised in 1920 by Katherine Briggs in collaboration with her daughter Isabel Myers who based their questionnaire on the leading Swiss psychologist Carl Jung’s work.

Jung asserted the theory that human beings try to make sense of and understand the world around them by turning inwards (introversion) or outwards (extraversion) through intuition or sensations.

Including through their emotions (feelings), our thoughts (intellectually), based on their insights (perceptions), or conclusions (judgments).

The test results for the 16 main personality types are defined by four capital letters that indicate a person’s most profound character traits.

ENTP Myers-Briggs Personalities

Only 3% of the general population are classified as ENTP personality types, of which 4% are males and 2 % are females.

ENTP is an abbreviation for an extroverted person who thrives on having intellectual discussions concerning grandiose ideas without details (intuitive).  Their decisions are based on reasoning or logic (thinking), and they prefer flexible, less rigid environments (perceiving).

Gregarious ENTPs thrive on playing devil’s advocate due to their outstanding cognitive acuity.  They are often referred to as visionaries who continuously generate trailblazing ideas as they are naturally curious, highly creative, resourceful, and energetic lateral thinkers.

ENTPs possess a fine-tuned ability to gain a deeper understanding of people, concepts, and systems as they are open-minded, analytical, and focused on enhancing their ability to influence those around them.

Known for their razor-sharp, self-deprecating wit, love of banter, and superb communication skills, ENTPs can be enormously charming and capable of persuading others to embrace their radical ideas wholeheartedly.

Although ENTPs thrive on debating or cognitive sparring with others, they tend to accept people for who they are, except when they encounter individuals who do not possess a superior intellect.  In which case they might lose interest and become bored or frustrated.

ENTPS are enormously confident in their impromptu out-of-the-box thinking skills, and most presume that other people are too close-minded and traditional to generate the same innovative ideas.

These visionary personalities often jump (headfirst) into unchartered territories without methodical preparations as they are used to dealing with stumbling blocks in innovative ways.  So, in that sense, they go with the flow and trust in their own abilities to address issues as they come along.

They are naturally inclined to ignore society’s norms and regulations and are always inclined to seek new and pioneering methods to tackle projects or devise solutions that could cause tension with co-workers who always prefer to use tried and tested methods.

Do ENTPs Have Good Memory?

While ENTPs are, in essence, geniuses and capable of generating phenomenal ideas that would never occur to “mere mortals,” they are not detail-orientated individuals as they find those aspects tedious and unnecessary.

Their enthusiastic zeal for innovative projects is infectious, so they are brilliant at inspiring others to join them in new ventures, even if they find the prospect daunting or risky.

However, due to their focus on the bigger picture and their grandiose ideas, they are not overly concerned about the nitty-gritty of making their vision a concrete reality.

Therefore, ENTPs are prone to forgetfulness and can often not recall minor details that more systematic or organized personalities would remember.  So, ENTPs could appear to be unreliable if they don’t follow up with their ideas.

Although most ENTPs have exceptional long-term memory recall, their minds are constantly analyzing, imagining, daydreaming, having lightbulb moments, or thinking about their next joke to remember minor details that others would consider imperative.

While they could remember a random sitcom character’s name from the nineties, or the solution to ridiculously difficult problems, knowing where they placed their car keys (a minute ago) is plainly impossible!

Other Quirky ENTP Personality Traits

Now that you know a little bit more about the fascinating world of an ENTP, let’s have a look at other character traits:

  • Core ENTP traits include being entrepreneurial, resourceful, friendly, self-obsessed, independent, and obstinate.
  • Although ENTPs are the least likely to suffer from hypertension or heart disease, they are more prone to Hypochondria.
  • ENTPs are less likely to suffer from stress due to health or family-related issues.
  • They are highly adept at dealing with stressful situations, especially compared to other personality types.
  • ENTPs are mostly Type A personalities who excel in tech, science, the arts, and leadership roles.
  • They had some of the highest Myers Briggs personality creativity scores, fueling their remarkable ability to produce ground-breaking, innovative ideas.
  • Furthermore, they were most likely to violate alcohol policies during their college years which makes sense as ENTPs are prone to ignore society’s rules and regulations.
  • Even though they earn far more compared to other personality types, they are less satisfied with their work.

ENTP Celebrities

Here are a few well-known ENTP pioneers who excelled in their respective fields and left a lasting- legacy: Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, Benjamin Franklin, Leonardo da Vinci, Conan O’Brien, Walt Disney, Richard Feynman, John Stuart Mill, Niccolo Machiavelli, including “Weird Al” Yankovic.


ENTPs are visionaries who, like scatter-brained Professors, are capable of monumental intellectual feats that most people could only dream about.

While ENTP personalities can make the impossible – possible and solve highly complex problems with innovative, cutting-edge solutions, forgetfulness is the price they pay for their sheer brilliance.

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