About Us
Welcome to the Personality Room
This website was created to help people discover themselves, free themselves from the things holding them back in their lives, empower them with knowledge about themselves in a way they never knew before, and through acceptance, making them invincible and the best versions of themselves in the world and in their relationships.
And that’s exactly the story of my personal journey that brought me here today to create this website.
My Story
Well… where to begin…
I’ve always been a dreamer and curious person my whole life, and always found myself drawn to trying new things, diving deep into unknown subjects, and trying to figure them out until I felt I mastered them (kind of).
From leaving school and wanting to become a chartered account (very grateful that didn’t turn out as planned) to ending up studying BCom Marketing for a year at university before realizing the lack of creativity in the system was not healthy for me (although I enjoyed the Psychology modules), to switching gears to study and complete a copywriting degree where I felt my creativity was well nurtured, to leaving that behind to do music professionally a year later (which lasted 10 years), to giving that up for family life and a new career in teaching (in a new country), to switching gears again (and countries) and starting a career in advertising and marketing, to then starting multiple of my own online businesses which I’m currently still running (but who knows for how long and what’s next).
You might have gotten enough clues as to what personality type I fall into at this point, but I have to embarrassingly admit, I didn’t know until only a few years ago.

While catching up with an old friend that I haven’t spoken to for years, just as the worldwide Covid lockdowns started, we had a long conversation about everything happening in our lives and so on, the usual catching up. After a while and my blabbing on about what I have going on in my life and the multiple projects I have in the pipeline, he suddenly went quiet on the call and said something to the effect of, “I’ll bet you anything that you are an ENTP.”
Again, I have to embarrassingly admit that at that stage, I never knew about the Meyrs-Briggs personality type indicators, even though I studied a fair bit of Psychology over the years. I think my reaction to my friend at first was something like, “No, I don’t have any medical conditions as far as I know.”
Well, to my surprise, after taking the personality test on 16personalities.com, ENTP it was. At first, I was impressed at his amazing observation, but then I was in awe of the information about myself that I was discovering while diving deep into what makes me tick as an ENTP. It was like a child discovering ice cream for the first time. And it was spot on! And it really helped me to understand things about myself that I could, with this new-found knowledge, work through or find ways to adapt myself to be more effective as a friend, husband, father, in business, in life, and in the world.
That’s my story and how I got here, creating this website to help you discover yourself in the same way and with the empowerment that the knowledge brings, help you become invincible and a force to be reckoned with in this world.
Much love and peace and happy discovery!
“When you know yourself you are empowered. When you accept yourself you are invincible.”
– Tina Lifford
Our Writing Team
Meet our passionate writing team below, and feel free to reach out to any of us for any specific questions you might have about our content.
Gillian Andres
Gillian has a Bachelor of Social Science Degree in Developmental Psychology and Sociology and an Honors Degree in Social Work.
Her name means ‘youthful,’ and this lady with a keen sense of humor and zest for life.
Gillian certainly lives up to her name. Her endless energy, curiosity, and love of learning keep everyone around her on their toes.
Get in touch with Gillian at gillian@personalityroom.com
Angelica Putter
Angelica has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Community & Health Psychology.
Armed with a psychology degree and an open mind, she has a special interest in people and problem-solving.
You can usually find her watching true crime documentaries or spending time with her two rescue dogs when she isn’t sitting with her head stuck in a book.
Get in touch with Angelica at angelica@personalityroom.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelica-putter-37370b217/