INFJ is an abbreviation of “introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging.” They are characterized by their caring, idealistic, and creative nature. INFJs are gentle and quiet people. But what makes people with this personality angry, and do they get angry easily?

INFJs are not known for aggression and don’t get angry easily. However, there are a few things that trigger their anger. People who disrespect or bully others and people who are aggressive make INFJs angry easily. But they tend to first mull their emotions over in their minds before responding.

This article looks at the instances when INFJs get angry or annoyed, whether it happens easily, and what INFJs tend to do when angry.

Do INFJs Get Angry Easily?

INFJs are quiet and gentle souls. They empathize a lot with other people. Because of their caring and gentle nature, INFJs do not get angry easily. They prefer to avoid conflict or at least deal with it diplomatically and politely.

INFJs tend to be emotional. However, they are more likely to repress their anger, annoyance, and disappointment rather than become aggressive. Of course, INFJs are only human, so there are a few things that can make them aggressive and furious. After all, kindness has limits.

When an INFJ gets angry, they tend to become cold and close the door on you. This is their way of protecting themselves. An INFJ will go on with their lives as if you have never existed to them. Certain things, like hurting an INFJ’s loved one, will surely make them aggressive. Their caring and gentle nature will disintegrate if you hurt someone they love.

What Makes INFJs Annoyed And Angry?

INFJs are perfectionists and prefer to live in harmony and peace. They also tend to live in their thoughts. Because of these traits, certain things anger them. INFJs cannot stand people who are aggressive and rude. People who bully or disrespect others make INFJs angry. They also cannot stand seeing any abuse or behavior that corrupts harmony. What follows is a list of what angers an INFJ.

People Who Disrespect Others

INFJs are compassionate people. They can understand the people’s emotions that are around them. So if an INFJ sees someone disrespecting another, they tend to get annoyed and even angry. They get angry, because INFJs feel the need to care for someone in distress.

Aggressive or Rude People

INFJs are sensitive to the emotional atmosphere and want to live in harmony. Because of this, they can become irritated by people who are rude and have no tact. Disruptive people annoy them immensely, especially if someone disrupts the atmosphere for their own selfish reasons.

Abusive Behavior

INFJs are logical and analytical people. Things should align with a person’s logical processes. So an INFJ who witnesses or is a victim of abusive behavior will get angry if they conclude that the aggressive behavior is not warranted. They will express their annoyance or anger out loud.

Bullying And Discrimination

INFJs can sense others’ discomfort and will want to fix it. If someone bullies or discriminates against another, an INFJ will pick up on the victim’s emotional distress, causing them anger.

People Who Hurt Others

As mentioned before, INFJs are in tune with others’ emotional states and feel great for people who are in emotional distress. If another causes a person’s emotional distress, this might cause an INFJ to become angry at the one causing the emotional distress.

Not Reaching Their Goals

Because INFJs want to know how events unfold, they feel side-tracked if things don’t go according to plan. This can cause an INFJ to feel anger or confusion. 

When People Dismiss Their Intuition

INFJs are thoughtful, insightful, and intuitive people. They can see or predict how certain events may unfold in the future. People might make fun of how INFJs believe they have insight into future possibilities. This dismissive attitude or being made a joke of it will definitely anger any INFJ. They do not like it when some people see one of their strengths as a joke.

Too Much Noise

An INFJ is usually in their own world and somewhat removed from their environment. They tend to lose interest in what’s going on around them. Because of this, loud noises can be distracting and annoying to an INFJ.

When They Are Over-stimulated

INFJs tend to become lost in their own thoughts. Because of this, any outside noises, interruptions, or even bright lights can cause confusion, annoyance, and even anger due to being over-stimulated.

How Do INFJs Act When They Are Angry?

INFJs tend to isolate themselves when experiencing feelings of anger. They will also try to find another room to be alone to sort out their thoughts. Some people can misinterpret their behavior as them being passive-aggressive. But they need the time alone to sort out their feelings. Otherwise, they might have an outburst.

In certain cases, when they witness people being rude or abusive, they will not hesitate to make their feelings known. Doing this can be difficult for them because INFJs do not like conflict or a negative atmosphere. Because they empathize with others, their emotions can get mixed up with those of the people around them. This can cause an INFJ to lose sight of the facts.

If an INFJ experiences stress, they will be more blunt and critical than usual. They will stop being controlled and kind and instead act on their pent-up rage.


INFJs are generally insightful, controlled, and kind. But even they can experience feelings of rage and lash out when people make them mad. An INFJ can also become frustrated with themselves if things don’t work out the way they thought they would or when over-stimulated.

Abusive behavior and bullying tend to anger an INFJ easily, and they will not hesitate to let the person know that they are angry. Because INFJs tend to absorb the emotions of the people around them, they hate conflict. They will usually retreat inward or, when angry, have an outburst.

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