Some personality types seem much happier than others, and the ESFP is one of them. They shine in social settings, love beautiful things without being superficial, and care for others in a beautiful manner. What’s the secret to the ESFPs happiness?

8 Reasons Why ESFPs Are So Happy:

  1. ESFPs Live In The Moment
  2. ESFPs Love To Socialize
  3. ESFPs Love Helping Others
  4. ESFPs Are Positive Personalities
  5. ESFPs Are Practical
  6. ESFPs Draw Pleasure From Their Surroundings
  7. ESFPs Have A Great Sense Of Humor
  8. ESFPs Are Active-Minded

ESFPs make up between 4-10% of the world’s population and are some of the more entertaining types of personalities found on our planet. They always seem to be in a state of happiness, lighting up rooms wherever they go, always looking for fun experiences. Why are ESFPs really so happy?

Are ESFPs Happy?

ESFPs can come across as one of the happiest personality profiles found within the 16 Myers Briggs Personality Types. The Extroverted – Sensing – Feeling – Perceiving personality is extremely happy in certain settings. They are called “Entertainers” as they love to socialize and experience life instead of reading about it in books.

What Makes An ESFP Happy?

If you are an ESFP, your primary method of living is externally centered, where you take in information by using the 5 senses to present them in a literal, tangible manner. Your internal mode is where you interact with things based on how you feel about them on the inside or how they fit into your particular value system. Based on the above, ESFPs draw happiness from the following:

ESFPs Live In The Moment

An ESFP’s primary function is concerned with remaining present in the environment around them and immersing themself as deeply as possible in it. They want to feel, taste, and experience everything life offers. ESFPs appreciate adventure, unpredictability, and variety because they are attracted to excitement and novelty.

They notice details and situations more accurately and quickly than other types because they are absorbed in the present. ESPFs are happy when they experience life on life’s terms and hardly wish moments away. They tend to make the best of them.

While ESFPs enjoy having fun and do not shy away from the spotlight, they are generally more interested in living in the moment and doing what feels true at the time.

ESFPs Love To Socialize

ESFPs love socializing, love going out, and love meeting people. Armed with excellent interpersonal skills, they can connect with most people on a personal level. ESFPs love people deeply. Those with ESFP friends can vouch for that and will go to huge lengths to maintain them.

Spending time with loved ones, and building new friendships, brings ESFPs great joy. The more people in the life of an ESFP, the happier the ESFP. Their happiness stems from constant interactions with fellow human beings, especially those who enjoy excitement and adventure.

Helping Others Make ESFPs Happy

ESFPs are happiest when interacting with people, preferring to be hands-on instead of desk-bound when it comes to working. Provide a social atmosphere at work, where their spontaneity can roam free, and put them in a role where they can help others, and you will have a very happy ESFP on your staff.

ESFPs are practical and pragmatic people who are sensitive to other people’s needs and are happiest when they can see that their input has made a measurable difference in someone’s life. The following careers can play a part in the general happiness of an ESFP:

  • Elementary Teacher
  • Public Relations Manager
  • Artist
  • Nurse
  • Fitness Trainer
  • Social Worker
  • Child Care Provider
  • Police Officer
  • Animal Trainer
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Pediatrician
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Flight Attendant
  • Fashion Designer
  • Chef
  • Musician

ESFPs Are Positive Personalities

The typical ESFP doesn’t consider the downside of a situation. The bright side is the one that attracts them, as they are positive by nature. Thinking positive is their thing. ESFPs don’t like the idea of missing out on the fun, not engaging with people, or passing up anything exciting.

ESFPs are optimistic and possess high energy levels that they use to inspire others. Many of the best motivational speakers and help-yourself gurus are ESFPs. They can stay positive in the present because they don’t like to dwell on the past or plan too far into the future.

ESFPs Are Practical Beings

ESPFs don’t get distracted by fantasies or dreams of how the world should be, so they never get disappointed when it turns out to be something else. By refusing to live in the past or worry about the future, they focus all their energy on accomplishing things in the present.

The burden of the past doesn’t weigh them down emotionally, and the future installs no fear in them. ESFPs are free to live in the space that matters most – the present. Living in a practical way allows them to be happy most of the time.

ESFPs Take Pleasure From Their Surroundings

The primary living mode of the ESFP is focused externally. ESFPs take things in via their senses before processing them internally. External stimuli bring them great happiness, such as spending time in nature, beautiful art, interesting people, animals, fashion, and even food.

ESFPs are by no way superficial; rather, they have a love for aesthetic beauty. Beautiful things contribute to their overall happiness, and for them, there’s a world full of beauty to experience.

ESFPs Have A Great Sense Of Humor

Laughter is the best medicine to face our harsh world, and ESFPs are known for their great playful sense of humor. They love making people laugh and will gladly become the “class clown” if needed. Their overall zest for life is contagious, often captivating the people around them.

Due to their excellent interpersonal skills, ESFPs are masters at playful humor that pokes fun with people without stinging them emotionally. They are great to be around, and as ESFPs are comfortable in being the ”life of the party,” they enjoy entertaining people, bringing them out to experience the fun and laughter.

ESFPs Are Active-Minded

ESFPs like to keep active and busy. They have the energy to burn and like filling up their days with all sorts of activities, including hobbies, sports, socializing, family outings, the great outdoors, and anything that could result in fun.

They don’t care for inactivity and don’t like spending days on end with their lonesome selves. Keeping busy with all sorts of entertainment is what makes them happy. ESFPs suffer from some serious FOMO and often feel overextended when there’s too much fun to be had.

Are ESFPs Likeable?

ESFPs are frequently the life of the party, amusing and engaging people with their sense of humor and energy. They notice whether or not other people are having a good time and will go out of their way to ensure that everyone has a nice time. Generally, most people will find a liking in the bubbly, energetic ESFP.

ESFPs are especially good at reading situations and people, making them acutely aware of people and their needs, and will offer emotional assistance where required. They are loyal friends, who love deeply, and love to keep the peace by diverting situations to happy outcomes.

Never ones to shun the limelight, ESFPs are great listeners and attentive to people who they love. While they are very open people, they tend to shy away from anything negative or serious, making them difficult to approach initially.

Due to the ESFPs excellent interpersonal skills, they make friends easily, they are fun to have around, and your life will be better with an ESFP in it. If you’re an ISFP, you might not feel that way about ESFPs, but generally, people with this personality type are likable and loved.


ESFPs are happy when they are around people. They desire to assist people and enhance their lives, making them very likable. The fact that they derive happiness from external stimuli also plays a big part in their general happiness.

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