ISFPs are quiet, sensible, and friendly human beings. They prefer to stay in the background with common sense and an easy-going approach. They are loyal and dislike conflict. They will compromise their thoughts and opinions to accommodate others. It can be challenging to figure out how to converse with someone like that. So, what do ISFPs love to talk about?

ISFPs prefer to stay away from the small talk but will engage when necessary. They love discussing common interests, hobbies, art forms, real-world possibilities, and practical solutions. They love creativity, deep conversations about psychology, philosophy, and intellectual and abstract ideas.

ISFPs are more listeners than talkers in communication. They are highly adaptive and will keep the other person’s attention deflecting from themselves. They enjoy deep conversations but dislike getting into too much detail about their feelings and lives. They prefer to share information about themselves once trust is established. In this article, we will discuss 6 things that you can talk to an ISFP about and they will love.

What Do ISFPs Love To Talk About?

ISFPs love conversations that include their hobbies, passions, and projects. They love discussing common interests and profound intellectual, philosophical, and abstract topics. They will engage in small talk if necessary but don’t enjoy it. They prefer intimate topics, especially once they get to know you, trust you, and feel comfortable around you.

Below are 6 communication topics you can bring up with an ISFP that they will love:

1. Current Events

ISFPs enjoy talking about anything that is currently going on. It could be something happening in the world or something concerning you. They will love listening to you tell them something that happened at work or a new restaurant you tried with recommendations of what they should have. You can chat about something you saw on the news, as long as it’s not morbid.

They don’t like conversations with no practical meaning or a reasonable outcome. They will be happy to talk about a current event in their lives as long as it is neutral and you don’t pry or try to get them to share personal details they are not comfortable telling you.

2. Hobbies And Passions

Hobbies and passions are probably ISFPs’ favorite topics. They love sharing common interests, discussing passions, and telling you about their favorite hobby. These topics could include sports, TV shows, sci-fi, art forms, music, etc. They love getting into the little details about the technical stuff and how deep into the activity they have been.

They will enjoy hearing your side, your passions, and how you get along with things you love. They will go as far as asking more questions and fully engaging in the conversion. If you want to communicate with an ISFP unfamiliar with you, hobbies and passions are the safest topics to stick with until they feel more comfortable discussing more intimate topics.

3. Intellectual And Abstract Ideas

ISFPs prefer talking about abstract ideas rather than material things. They will choose to discuss these topics instead of fashion or cars. They love deep conversation where they can talk about their opinions and ideas, how things work, etc. 

ISFPs are introverts, and people with the introverted function are generally deep thinkers. They have a lot going on in their mind, so when they find someone to talk to about everything they have been thinking or wondering about, they get excited to engage in those conversations.

4. Psychology And Philosophy

Psychology and philosophy are some more favorite topics of conversation for ISFPs. They love chatting about the human condition, personalities, how the mind affects the body, emotional ideas, traumas, and connecting the dots. They are in tune with others’ moods and feelings, so they love hearing about others’ experiences to study those people (it shouldn’t turn into complaining).

Philosophy excites ISFPs because they learn about the fundamental nature of reality and understand the principle of behavior in the world. They can talk about philosophical topics for hours without getting bored. ISFPs often love to read and talk about the book because of their interest in philosophy.

5. Random Things

Believe it or not, ISFPs also love discussing random topics like the skin on fish or different shades of color. If you bring some form of meaning to the conversation, they will happily engage by sharing their opinions and asking questions about random topics.

This confuses many people because it can sometimes seem like small talk; however, ISFPs are very particular about the small talk they will interact in. They still want to communicate about practical ideas rather than how hot the weather is or what you made for dinner. Instead, discuss the importance of a particular ingredient because that gives depth to the conversation.

6. Humor

ISFPs love and enjoy some good humor. They mainly have more interest in any conversation that can have some light-heartedness to it. If you can get them to laugh, they will gravitate more towards trusting and opening up to you. It makes them feel at ease and helps them to relax because they usually have their guard up to protect themselves from rejection.

7 Tips On Communicating with ISFPs

Now that you know what topics you can use in conversations with ISFPs, you should also be mindful of the best approach in communication so that they don’t get triggered or withdraw before you have a chance to engage with them. Here are some tips you can keep in mind:

  • Don’t pry and ask too many questions, or it will set them off; they don’t like getting personal about themselves.
  • Enjoy friendly banter and keep things light, especially if they are yet to get comfortable with you.
  • Respect their boundaries; if you push them too far, they will withdraw from you.
  • Have practical solutions because ISFPs don’t like problems without solutions.
  • If you want to approach them with a problem or for advice, kindly ask them if they are open to that at the moment.
  • Accept them as they are and the way they handle communication because forcing them into situations they are not comfortable with will just push them away.
  • Be encouraging and show interest in what they are saying; it makes them feel like they can trust you and will open up quicker.


ISFPs are calm, quiet, and loyal people. They have their guard up in hopes of protecting themselves so they won’t easily open up and share information, which can make others wary of conversing with them. ISFPs are pretty easy-to-approach if you know what they enjoy talking about and have the right communication tools, as mentioned in the article.

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