If you have a crush on an ISTP – you are not alone! ISTPs are difficult to get to know and give the impression of being hard to get, making them all the more alluring! Once you get acquainted, you’ll find they have great qualities that would make anyone swoon.

As per the MBTI, the ISTP is a technically skilled individual who loves adrenaline-inducing activities. People are drawn to ISTPs because of their mysteriousness, laidback attitudes, and enthusiasm for their hobbies. Their street smarts and calm demeanors also make them irresistible!

ISTPs are mercurial and difficult to pin down but settling down with one of them is well worth the effort of “taming” them. To find out more about these attractive personalities, read on!

Myers-Briggs ISTP Personalities: A Brief Overview

If the personality types went to high school, ISTP would be voted most likely to work in a dangerous profession – and it would come true! ISTPs aren’t well suited for white-collar work, and they prefer to be stuck under a car’s hood or on their carpentry studio workbench.

ISTP is one of sixteen personality types in terms of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), devised by mother-daughter pairing Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers. The theories of Jung inspired the MBTI. ISTP stands for Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving.

ISTPs need lots of space to be themselves. They enjoy learning to understand the inner workings of manufactured equipment, especially if it can be used in an extreme sport. They love weaponry and extreme sports, including rappelling, skydiving, and hunting.

A mere 2% of women have this personality type, making it the fourth-rarest personality type among women. It is the third most common type in the population among men.

Michelle Rodriguez and Amelia Earhart are examples of famous female ISTPs, while famous male ISTPs include F Scott Fitzgerald, Bear Grylls, Daniel Craig, and Clint Eastwood. In fiction, female ISTPs include Lisbeth Salander from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and males include James Bond.

Why Are ISTPs So Attractive?

ISTPs can be super dreamy. Capable and confident, the ISTP is just begging you to have a crush on them! But, what makes the ISTP so beguiling?

1. They’re Mysterious

ISTPs sometimes seem like they’re playing hard to get because of how aloof they are. They keep their thoughts to themselves and can be hard to read. It’s also hard to guess what they’ll do at any moment in time because of how unpredictable they are.

While this mystery drives us to distraction, we can’t help but let ISTPs get under our skin. Their enigmatic personalities attract us like bees to honey, and it’s unstoppable!

2. They’re Cool And Collected

When you are at your most crisis-induced hysterical state, ISTPs will help you without raising a sweat. They’re calm even in the most trying circumstances, making them seem all the more appealing.

3. They’re Street Smart

On top of being preternaturally calm, ISTPs are world savvy and will not likely be conned. This makes them seem somewhat self-assured and in control. This confidence is unerring and alluring.

Not only are they not gullible, but they’re also great at problem-solving. These street smarts mean that ISTPs act decisively, and this self-assurance draws people in.

4. They’re Passionate About Their Hobbies

ISTPs are just bursting to share their hobby with you. This kind of enthusiasm is catching, making you look at your ISTP love interest with fondness as their face just lights up with joy.

5. They’re Practical

They have just the right balance of practicality and innovation to repair all the equipment they need for their beloved hobby. They are also resourceful and can help with just about anything around the house. Their can-do attitude is magnetic.

6. They’re Fun To Be Around

ISTPs are adventurous and laidback and will somehow rope you into their activities, which will end up being super fun. They can be irresistible when they’re having fun, and you’ll want to get to know them better.

ISTPs In Romantic Relationships

Although ISTPs can be very spontaneous and passionate, they can also be taciturn and detached. The trick is that you need to give ISTPs enough space and not try to force their hand.

They generally dislike commitment, preferring to eschew long-term planning in favor of living in the moment. However, if they find a partner who will, among other things, respect their boundaries, they will happily settle down.

This personality type is also known for keeping their emotional responses to themselves, so it might be hard to read your ISTP partner. They also might keep their decision-making process hidden from their partners, which can lead to strife in the relationship.

Something essential in ISTP relationships is spontaneity. ISTPs easily get bored but going on date nights regularly at different places and activities should minimize the risk of ISTPs breaking up with their partner in a routine relationship.

Don’t think that your ISTP partner doesn’t love you just because you’ve never gotten a cheesy speech from them proclaiming their devotion. ISTPs shy away from these declarations and will instead show their affection through acts of service, like looking after you when you’re sick.

Fascinating Facts About ISTPs

Here’s some insight into the ISTP, one of the most mysterious personality types out there:

  • They are often male college scholarship athletes.
  • They are among the least likely to finish college.
  • ISTPs are the most likely to have cardiac problems.
  • They are least likely to use social coping resources.
  • They are among the four types with the lowest marital and intimate relationship satisfaction.
  • Their common occupations include law enforcement, military, agriculture, and technical and skilled trades.


Many attractive qualities emanate from the ISTP. They are composed, and their confidence makes them alluring options for spouses. They are inordinately practical but still maintain a sense of creativity in pursuing various hobbies.

Although it is difficult to get them to commit, they make very spontaneous and loving partners if given a chance and the space they need to continue being their unique selves.

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