Although ENTPs are known for their extroverted, intuitive, perceptive, and cognitive thinking abilities, many ENTPs struggle with procrastination.

Five reasons why ENTPs procrastinate include feeling forced to do tasks, doing mundane tasks, lacking stimulation, experiencing mental blocks, or getting distracted by new ideas. ENTPs can stay motivated by making vision boards and ‘may do’ lists, creating fake deadlines, or incentivizing tasks.

Let’s explore possible reasons why some ENTPs procrastinate, determine whether ENTPs are lazy, and consider potential ways for ENTPs to stay motivated.

Are ENTPs Lazy?

Although ENTPs procrastinate, they are not lazy. ENTPs are very mentally active and constantly come up with new ideas. Their actions may be perceived as laziness when they leave one task to start another, creating an impression that they are lazy and undedicated.

Why Do ENTPs Procrastinate?

Here are five reasons why ENTPs procrastinate.

1. ENTPs Procrastinate When They Get Distracted By New Ideas

ENTPs have brilliant minds filled with creative ideas each day. With frequent interesting and inspiring thoughts, it is easy for an ENTP to get distracted.

When an ENTP gets a good idea, it becomes hard to focus on the task before them because the new concept seems more pertinent. Due to their engaging nature, ENTPs may procrastinate when they have found a new activity that seems more interesting than what they were doing prior.

2. ENTPs Procrastinate When They Feel Forced To Do A Task

ENTPs enjoy freedom. They like having the opportunity to free their minds and engage in new ideas and activities. When an ENTP has a pressing responsibility, they feel tied down, as if their creativity is being stifled by having to do the task.

ENTPs often procrastinate when they feel forced to do a task because procrastination through avoiding the obligation creates a sense of control for the ENTP. ENTPs do not enjoy being boxed in and told what to do. By procrastinating, ENTPs experience a sense of control over their lives, despite it not necessarily being in their best interest when it comes to productivity.

3. ENTPs Procrastinate When They Lack Stimulation

Given their extroverted nature, ENTPs enjoy being around other people as they feed off their energy. When ENTPs have to complete a task by themselves, it can be draining as they use their energy sources instead of feeding off others.

ENTPs require regular stimulation. Going without stimulating conversations or activities can cause an ENTP to become despondent and withdraw from their tasks.

ENTPs may procrastinate by chatting to a colleague or family member when they are supposed to be doing something important.

From the outside, it seems like they are distracted and undedicated when in reality, they are simply replenishing their energy batteries by engaging in stimulating conversations.

Once the ENTP has had a fulfilling conversation, they have the energy to go back and work on the relevant task.

4. ENTPs Procrastinate When They Feel A Mental Block

ENTPs are known for being quick thinkers. ENTPs pride themselves on their ability to come up with creative ideas in a short manner of time. They are futuristic and can easily see the bigger picture, which is why they are excellent leaders.

However, when ENTPs hit a mental block, it is very challenging for them to tackle the mental block. Some ENTPs would prefer to procrastinate by finding other activities to do instead of addressing the mental block and working through it to continue productively.

5. ENTPs Procrastinate When The Task Is Mundane

ENTPs are forward-thinkers who like to know that their thoughts and actions have an impact. When ENTPs feel that what they need to do is not something that will make a difference, ENTPs procrastinate by doing something they feel has meaning.

For example, an ENTP might decide that it is a beautiful, sunny day to go for a walk mid-way through replying to their emails for the day. An ENTP may do this because they can see the health benefits of going for a walk, whereas responding to emails is a chore.

How To Stay Motivated As An ENTP

Here are potential things that may help an ENTP stay motivated.

Stay Motivated As An ENTP By Creating A Vision Board

ENTPs often come up with brilliant new ideas. For ENTPs, it is beneficial to have a vision board to highlight their most important passions. Vision boards motivate ENTPs and remind them why they need to invest their energy towards the goal instead of procrastinating.

Stay Motivated As An ENTP By Creating Fake Deadlines

ENTPs enjoy things that come with a little bit of a challenge as it intrigues them. ENTPs can stay motivated by creating fake deadlines, set a few days before the actual due date. By creating a fake deadline, ENTPs feel like they are competing with themselves and find a sense of determination to work efficiently to meet their fake deadline.

Stay Motivated As An ENTP By Creating Incentives For Tasks

ENTPs love a bit of thrill. ENTPs can stay motivated using incentives because it reminds them of a goal they’ve set. By coming up with an incentive for a task, ENTPs feel like the task has become a game, making the task more interesting and less overwhelming.

Stay Motivated As An ENTP By Writing A “May Do” List

A “may do” list is a list of potential things that need to be done. However, unlike a “to do” list, it takes away the pressure of making the task seem like a chore.

ENTPs often feel despondent towards tasks they feel they are forced to do. When the impression is created that they have a choice whether to do the task or not, it helps them feel empowered to do the job.

A “may do” list is also handy for ENTPs, as they often find themselves getting carried away with new ideas, starting new tasks, and not getting around to finishing them. By having a “may do” list, ENTPs have a reminder of all the things that still need to be completed.


ENTPs procrastinate when they lack stimulation, feel forced to do mundane tasks, or experience mental blocks. ENTPs are extroverts, making it easy for them to get distracted by coming up with new ideas or socializing. ENTPs can overcome their procrastination tendencies by creating vision boards, faking deadlines, and incentivizing tasks.

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