ESTPs are unique, always wanting to learn and have new experiences. They are energetic and enthusiastic and get bored quickly. Reading a book for ESTPs has to be interesting enough to keep them engaged, whether in self-help, fantasy, historical, or dark humor genres. Here are 25 must-read books for ESTP personalities.

1. Into The Forest

Into the Forest by Jean Hegland is a tale of modern mythic proportions. It speaks to ESTPs because of their relatability and connection with the truth of disaster in society and technology. It pulls the reader in, keeping you intrigued through every page. The settings are described so vividly that it makes the reader feel like you are there with them, inhaling and feeling the forests.

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2. Flowers For Algernon

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keys is a short story of science fiction, something many ESTPs prefer to read. ESTPs don’t like imaginary, unrealistic romance, but give them science fiction, and they will be hooked. Flowers for Algernon is not a comprehensive book, which is perfect for ESTPs who struggle to remain focused and interested in one thing for too long.

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3. Fifth Business

Fifth Business from the Deptford Trilogy by Robertson Davies is a novel with a memoirish feel and a mythical and symbolic twist. The book is intriguingly interesting, a little old-fashioned styled, with a steady pace. It is not for everyone, but an ESTP will enjoy the depth of it while remaining engaged enough to continue to the end and craving to complete the Trilogy.

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4. The Handmaid’s Tale

The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood is exceptionally well written, with an engaging storyline for ESTPs who struggle to stay focused. The novel gives you insight into the other side of cultish mentality, the people who choose it, and why they do what they do. It is a good read and incredibly informative for an ESTP who loves to learn and discover new perspectives.

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5. War And Peace

War And Peace by Leo Tolstoy is a must-read for ESTPs because it enlightens the Se function and provides a foundation for learning and imagination. It is based on the characters’ irrational motives around war and peace with love, adultery, war, and death. Books like War and Peace are not for everyone, and often why they are perfect for ESTPs’ complex personalities.

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6. On The Road

On the Road is a phenomenal novel by Jack Kerouac. It is beautifully written and perfect for an ESTP because of the fast pace and heavy tone. It portrays vibrant and carefree adventure, which speaks to the ESTPs adventurous personality. The story jumps right in without an introduction which is often the part that bores at ESTP and causes them to discontinue reading.

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7. The Stand

The Stand by Stephen King is another apocalyptic read – a genre that most ESTPs enjoy because of the vivid descriptions, true stories, or relatability to real-life events and engaging language with reason to turn the page and find out what’s next. The Stand portrays the elemental struggle between good and evil, and the supernatural essence reel the ESTP in as deep as one can go into a story.

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8. American Psycho

American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis is a modern classic exploring the incomprehensible depths of madness, capturing the insanity of violence in all ages. It shows impulsive behavior, something relatable to the ESTP. It is a horror story that will have anyone intrigued and wanting more. ESTPs will enjoy the novel because of its ambitious, ferocious, hilarious, and inspiring nature.

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9. The Scarlet Letter

Nathaniel Hawthorne has created a riveting tale with The Scarlet Letter through a romantic historical fiction that is tragically moving and provides rich psychological insight. It pulls you between the struggle of the heart and mind. ESTPs should be warned that once you get through the introduction, you will not be able to put the book down. It is a beautifully written and engaging classic.

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10. For Whom The Bell Tolls

The novel is a fictional report on the Spanish Civil War. It is a fantastic read for ESTP to bump the Se and tickle their thinking function. It takes the mind into the depths of passion and keeps the reader engaged at every turn. The ESTP will enjoy the highly descriptive writing and educational aspect the author, Earnest Hemmingway, offers through For Whom the Bell Tolls.

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11. Crime And Punishment

Crime and Punishment is a powerful psychological thriller by the fantastic Fyodor Dostoyevsky and perfectly fits the genre of ESTPs and their complex personalities. There is no chance of a reader getting bored with the story’s twists and turns and the characters’ intensity. The book is a classic novel with dark humor that keeps things exciting and entertaining.

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12. The Last Magician

It is not difficult to figure out why the Last Magician is a must-read for ESTPs. It is a novel that will keep you on your toes, guessing what will happen next until the last page. It makes you forget everything and takes the reader into a fantasy world while immersing the imagination. That concept is what ESTPs need to keep entertained and engaged for their adventurous, impulsive personalities.

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13. Road Tripped

Road Tripped is the type of book an ESTP can read and say, “This is me.” It is full of adventure, love, loss, and vast perspectives and brings excitement with a foundation to learn and open the mind. It is impulsive and thoughtful at the same time. It is logical and emotional, the perfect combination type of book for a personality type like the ESTP.

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14. 12 Rules For Life

Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life is a pathway to life. It is unmatched by the modern thinker. For ESTPs, the book is ideal because they can get in their heads sometimes, and albeit being intellectual and ambitious, they sometimes forget to look at things from a different perspective. The book provides practical reasoning, which is something ESTPs prefer.

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15. Rich Dad Poor Dad

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki is the ultimate guide for everyone who needs to learn how to take charge of their life and finances, become an entrepreneur, and be successful. ESTPs are fantastic business people who always aim to achieve their goals. They love to learn and better themselves. The book is styled like a textbook which keeps readers like ESTPs engaged.

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16. Awaken The Giant Within

Everyone knows and loves Tony Robins. Awaken the Giant Within is a great depiction of learning how to control your life from all angles; mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and financial. ESTPs sometimes get caught up in the doing without taking a step back to assess and value the importance of things. The book helps put things into perspective and teaches you how to take action.

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17. How To Win Friends & Influence People

Dale Carnegie is a brilliant author, and in the novel, How to Win Friends & Influence People, he keeps you turning the page with his witty manner of writing. It is ideal for an ESTP because it is practical and in-depth regarding the psychology of humans. ESTPs who are extroverts but don’t often understand others can gain much insight from the book.

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18. The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*cK 

One book everyone needs to read is Marks Manson’s masterpiece The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. It has high merit, and Mark is exceptionally convincing in his writing. He provides exciting perspectives for people to practice. ESTPs are highly logical and can get too analytical and controlling about things. The book offers them a way to lighten the burden and prioritize the most important aspects of life.

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19. Ego Is The Enemy

Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday is a book you will read and recommend to everyone. It sometimes slaps you in the face and allows you to analyze yourself and realize where you are using your ego and letting it control the direction of your life. Perfect for an ESTP who can sometimes forget to consider others’ emotions and ride with ego in the front of their decisions.

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20. Enders Game

Enders Game is a book for teens that will attract the ESTP teenager more than anyone, but it is a favorite of many adults who go back to it occasionally. It is science fiction and fantasy with vivid descriptions to capture the mind and keep the reader engaged and entertained, and visualizing. It is an easy read for the busy ESTP who might give up reading because of busy schedules.

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21. How To Use Innovation & Creativity In The Workplace

Patrick Collister has brilliantly written the book while entertaining and connecting with the reader. He gets straight to the point, which appeals to the unfocused ESTP, who gets bored and cannot stick to one novel for a long time. The book is also short enough to get through easily and quickly, gaining a heap of inspiration and creative thinking for all workplaces.

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22. How To Do The Work 

Dr. Nicole, also known as The Holistic Psychologist on social media platforms, provides the reader of How To Do The Work with insight and breakthroughs on mental and emotional trauma. She provides tasks at the end of each chapter, helping you to lean into “doing the work’, figuring out your situation, and providing tools to overcome trauma. Perfect for the textbook-type ESTP reader.

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23. ESTP: Understand & Break Free From Your Own Limitations

The book about ESTPs by Matthew Brighthouse is an excellent book for ESTPs to learn and understand more about their personality. ESTPs are risk-takers, explorers, and full of extroverted joy and excitement. The book helps ESTPs conquer any weaknesses, become aware, fight limitations, and bump up all positive traits in every angle of life.

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24. When We Were Infinite

Kelly Loy Gilbert created a wonderful, emotional novel that journeys the transition from high school to college. It is a beautiful book for the young adult ESTP because, as an extrovert, friends are significant, and the book shows love and loyalty. Gilbert presents the reasoning for the characters’ choices profoundly, making it a great read for parents of teenagers.

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25. Daisy Jones & The Six 

The book is an unconventional read for an ESTP who wants to venture into something different but fun and interesting. Daisy Jones and The Six will have you googling the band even though you know it is fiction because that is how immersive and entertaining the story is. It tells the story of the band’s meteoric rise and engages the reader from start to finish.

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Do ESTPs Like To Read?

Some ESTPs love to read, while others don’t enjoy it much. If you approach a bunch of ESTPs and ask them about reading, you will find many younger ESTPs prefer reading because they have more time and patience.

Adult ESTPs who have more going on in life, like kids, jobs, etc., will enjoy reading but may have lost a little interest or don’t have the time to enjoy it. ESTPs who enjoy reading are not necessarily bookworms. They are simply people who want to read.

ESTPs also need suitable genres to keep them wanting to read. To keep them engaged, they enjoy science fiction, fantasy fiction, true stories, and specific romance with depth and essence. Books for ESTPs must start interesting, or they will get bored.

The books must be fast-paced and have vivid descriptions so they can immerse in visualizing and feeling like they are inside the story. Books for ENTPs must be entertaining and page-turners because they are explorers, impulsive, and constantly jumping from one thing to the next.

ESTPs will often choose to read educational books that can teach them new things or have practical examples they can follow to improve their lives and careers.


ESTPs love books that will keep them engaged and entertained throughout. It is a book that is interesting from the first page. The list above are must-reads for ESTPs who enjoy reading or want to delve into the world of novels.

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