With diverse personality types around, you might want to think about yourself. You feel you are a born leader, an extrovert, but don’t want to sound conceited. You believe you are intuitive and have empathy. Does this mean you aren’t an ESTP?

ESTPs are not their dichotomous others: introvert, intuitive, feeling, and judging. The 16-fold personality index known as the Myer-Briggs Type Index has been popular in the workplace and interpersonal relations for nearly a century. ESTPs are charming, bombastic extroverts, liked by some.

The best way to know if you fit the mold is to look at the defining attributes of the MBTI’s ESTP type. Where do you see yourself fit: introversions v. extraversion, feeling v. thinking, judging v. perceiving, or sensing v. intuition? Keep in mind there are overlaps. Also, not everyone fits the full description. But let’s see, do you not fit the ESTP type?

How To Tell You Aren’t An ESTP

ESTP stands for extroverts, sensors, rational thinkers, and subjective perceivers. The attributes cover a spectrum of traits, from a grandiose narcissist to a confident and charismatic charmer and a person desirous of unlimited power! The ESTP group is one of the four in the Myer Briggs personality type index (MBTI). There are many descriptive attributes, but let’s see what you’re about.

If these 12 traits describe you, you know you aren’t an ESTP.

1. You Don’t Like Stealing The Show

You know that moment at a party or small gathering when everyone is chatting, old acquaintances and new ones sharing anecdotes, and having a good time. Suddenly, announced or not, the vibe changes. The ESTP walks in, dressed in the latest sunglasses, smashing attire, hair coiffed, and with an air of confidence.

The charismatic aura surrounding the ESTP’s arrival is tangible – a socialite and the party’s life! You stand back because you don’t like a lot of attention or praise. The Madonna in the room is not who you see yourself as. Yes, Madonna is among the people who fit the mold, along with Bruce Willis and ex-president Donald Trump.

2. Happy Not To Get All The Attention

The ESTP thrives on attention and at any gathering or party is bound to have adoring fans. The fans, much like in a harem, attend even at a social event like a house party. Subtle selfies are taken with the ESTP to post later. And the ESTP exudes charm – a magnet that delights and attracts. The ESTP comes alive at the moment, a natural performer and a self-promoter.

 You find yourself with your back to all this. Perhaps looking outside at the rising moon and dreaming of a holiday on a tropical island. You momentarily also wonder why so much adoration is bestowed on one individual who isn’t the host! But you have to concede that ESTPs are excited about life, showy, and strive to share their exuberance. People are drawn to this extroverted type.

3. Not Manipulative

You do know that you are not inclined to demand attention. ESTPs have a way of commanding attention and holding those drawn close to them. The extrovert in the ESTP type also is loud and outspoken. Also, what it was that kept everyone enthralled. You wonder what would happen if the adoration stopped.

You find yourself just looking and wondering why you thought you were an extrovert. You don’t really feel you fit the mold. You are not shy and get on with people – on their terms too. You might even be restrained as an extrovert. And definitely, you identify much more with modest behavior! You like people but don’t feel you want to possess them.

4. Not A Wallflower But Good Onlooker

ESTPs are notorious for being spotlight-grabbing. The most overt observation is that the ESTP is obsessed with their presence and can’t imagine what others’ needs are. It is a sense of power and entitlement. As an onlooker, it is clear that the characteristics described above, like craving attention and being charming, is also controlling.   

5. Calm And Centered

Don’t make a mistake. The ESTP knows how to play and perform. A skilled talker, charming, and a devil’s advocate of note, the conversation can be heated and excited. ESTPs attract by being contentious and challenging accepted ideas. Their performance borders provocation. It is not always playful either, as when the ESTP feels slighted, they’ll sulk and even just walk out!

So if you are the calmer type, the one on the other side with a more balanced outlook and accommodating various viewpoints, the ESTP fit is not yours. 

6. Not A Daredevil

Now think about this. Are you the type that prefers to play it safe? You know, someone who is not a coward, audacious, reckless, or foolhardy? Get to know the ESTP as you hear them brag and boast about dangerous feats that sometimes involved them indirectly only. The ESTP tells a good story, but listen carefully. They often manipulate daredevil stunts rather than being directly involved.

ESTP types are known to be self-obsessed and controlling for their personal gain. The ESTP might even seek out fun at the expense of others. These might even involve seeking thrills as they mastermind activities that could harm others.

7. Don’t Seek Out The Spotlight

ESTPs want attention and plenty of it. They can rally people for support. To be the center of attention, ESTPs need co-dependents. The way ESTPs get the support is to play with people’s feelings through shock, awe, guilt, or, in the end, to control them. ESTPs lack empathy and crave adoration.

The entertainer figure steps in to amuse – the Bruce Willis figure or the powerful fictional character Jaime Lannister plays in the Game of Thrones!

8. Serious About Life

ESTPs are the heart and soul of the party. In fact, they see life as an ongoing party! Of course, that’s till they’re not the center and are found sulking at home! ESTPs are lively, amusing, and the center of attention; this is what they crave. The extravert in them lights up. This is also the time that the ESTP can control others. 

If you are the more serious, the ESTP type is not you.

9. Cautious In Life

Being an ESTP takes huge amounts of energy. At least, that’s what it looks like. And there is no stopping, as the ESTP always dreams of more – new experiences, new social engagements, and opportunities. Whatever can be had, at the flick of a finger! The experiences craved are primarily self-centered, based on the needs of the ESTP.

And motivated for the personal gain of this great schemer! ESTPs want to experience all the world offers! Again, if you are both serious and cautious, the ESTP type is NOT you!

10. Guarded About New Experiences

As mentioned above, ESTPs want all the world offers. They’re ambitious in the workplace and in interpersonal relations. Some say they are excessively open to new experiences. If you are the reticent type, less adventurous even, you are not an ESTP.

ESTPs live in the moment, and this also refers to the suddenness of changes and doing new things. ESTPs live for adventure.   

11. Can Resist A Need For Change

ESTPs are restless in relationships and the workplace. The best description is that of an ‘on-the-move’ type. They don’t sit for long and loathe small talk. That is, if they are not the center and doing the talking. ESTPs hate staying stagnant.

ESTPs have a tendency (as seen above) to seek out thrills and want to experience what they see as all the world has on offer. Staying stagnant for an ESTP is like losing at a computer game or failing to reinvent and kit out an online avatar!

It could be that you feel secure and don’t need constant change. On the other end of the spectrum, you might be pretty content and even openly say you resist change. You might even be hard-headed about change, the exorable type. ESTPs don’t want to feel stuck and want to dive into new experiences.   

12. Don’t Hold Grudges

Being the center of attention demands an audience. ESTPs can drum up a group of admirers and depend on this admiration. When the show ends, ESTPs are alone. ESTPs thrive on attention, and if this doesn’t come in the right dosage, they are disappointed, sulkily so.

Do you sulk when you don’t get your way? Do you crave attention? And, do you sulk when you don’t get what you want? If you don’t sulk and especially don’t hold grudges, you are NOT an ESTP! 


If you are not an extrovert and self-promoter, you have empathy and an intuitive sense of what’s important, the chances are you don’t fit into the ESTP mold. If you like to play devil’s advocate for different viewpoints and not just for the sake of being provocative, you don’t fit the ESTP type either.

You might fit the ESTP mold if you are a daredevil with a lust for new adventures and a dread of being shackled down. Take note, though, that the spectrum is nuanced with varying degrees for each type. There are overlapping tendencies too. You might have attributes and yet not fit the complete classification.

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