ENFJs (the protagonist personality) have extraverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging personality traits. They are sometimes confused for other personality types like INFJs. So, what are the signs you are not an ENFJ?

If you’re introverted, lack empathy, have been called unreliable, unreceptive, and have an individualistic mindset, you are not an ENFJ. ENFJs have also been called overly sensitive and condescending. So, if you’re the opposite, chances are you are not an ENFJ.

ENFJs have distinct characteristics that set them apart from other personalities. It’s also one of the rare personalities, with only 3% of the general population with this personality type. Let’s look at the signs that you do not have the ENFJ personality type.

12 Signs You Are Not An ENFJ

ENFJs are extroverted people with idealistic views and are often described as warmhearted and empathetic. Here are clear signs that you are not an ENFJ:

You Are Introverted

ENFJs are some of the most extroverted people you will meet. In other words, they are energized by time spent with other people. So, if you are an introvert, in other words you are reserved and quiet, you are not an ENFJ. They tend to be sociable and confident.

An ENFJ can be described as a people-person. They are outgoing and love spending time with other people. So much so that they can neglect their own needs. They also love working in teams and resolving conflicts.

You Lack Empathy

ENFJs are warmhearted, compassionate, and thoughtful. They are often overly empathetic. If you do not take on other people’s problems as your own, the way ENFJs do, then that’s a clear sign you are not an ENFJ.

Sometimes, ENFJ can become drained and exhausted from taking on other people’s problems. They have a strong grasp of other people’s emotions and can fully step into that person’s shoes. An ENFJ’s empathy is linked to their dominant extraverted feeling function. This also allows them to read other people easier.

If empathizing and connecting with people does not come naturally to you, that’s a sign that you are not an ENFJ. ENFJs can connect with anyone, even those they do not want to connect with, like someone who is “bad.”

You Are Not Overly Sensitive

ENFJs are sometimes described as overly sensitive. If you have never been described this way, the chances are that you are not an ENFJ. People with an ENFJ personality type are sensitive in nature and experience life differently than most. They are sensitive to physical and emotional stimuli, which they might hide from others to fit in with the crowd.

You Are Not Receptive

ENFJs are very open-minded and willing to accept new ideas or suggestions. If you are someone who does not allow others to express themselves fully, you are not an ENFJ. While ENFJs have strong opinions, they recognize others’ right to voice their truth.

You Have Been Called Unreliable

If you are unreliable, you are the opposite of an ENFJ. ENFJs are very reliable. They hate letting down other people. They will always keep their promises and can always be counted on.

You Have Never Been Called Condescending

ENFJs love teaching others. This is especially true when it comes to causes that they are passionate about. In their quest to enlighten someone, they might sometimes be condescending or patronizing to other people. If you are the opposite, you are not an ENFJ.

You Are Not Altruistic

ENFJs are selfless and strongly believe in being a positive change. They believe in bringing people together to achieve good things and creating harmony. ENFJs care a lot about other people’s happiness and help them in their time of need. If this is not you, you are not an ENFJ since being altruistic is a core characteristic of an ENFJ.

You Are Not Overly Idealistic

People with the ENFJ personality have a clear sense of what is right and wrong. They assume that everyone shares these principles and are often left in shock when people violate these principles. Their views are sometimes unrealistic. So, if you live in a more grey area, are more realistic, and aren’t shocked when people don’t behave according to moral principles, then you are not an ENFJ.

You Do Not Have Strong Communication Skills

ENFJs have strong communication skills. If you’re not always ready or energetic to join a conversation, that’s a sign you are not an ENFJ. When communicating, ENFJs are confident and can even persuade people to agree with them. So if you’re not a persuasive person, then you’re not an ENFJ.

You Don’t Have The Best Organizational Skills

ENFJs are very organized and good at organizing activities. They need structure and planning in their lives, in which they excel. This makes them great leaders and managers. So, if you’re not someone who is organized or needs careful planning and structure in your life, chances are not an ENFJ.

ENFJs are also good at planning activities with team members and helping them reach their full potential.

You Are Observant

You are more focused on the present than the past and future. ENFJs are imaginative and more focused inward. They ponder the possibilities the future might hold.

If you are more practical and focused, then you are not an ENFJ. This does not mean you are not creative, just that you don’t allow your imagination free reign the way ENFJs do.

You Are Not Very Persuasive

ENFJs are very in tune with other people’s emotions. Because of this, they are very convincing and able to persuade people to believe in their ideas. If this does not come easily to you, then you are not an ENFJ.

12 Famous ENFJs

Here are some famous people and characters with the ENFJ personality type:

  • Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Ben Affleck
  • Barack Obama
  • John Cusack
  • Malala Yousafzai
  • Sean Connery
  • Maya Angelou
  • Morpheus and the Oracle from the Matrix
  • Elizabeth Bennet from the Pride and Prejudice
  • Isobel Crawley from Downtown Abbey
  • Laurel Lance from Arrow


It’s easy to confuse personality types since they sometimes overlap, like ENFJ and INFJ types. However, ENFJs have distinct personality traits that set them apart. They are extroverted, organized, and idealistic.

They can sometimes be overly sensitive and patronizing. But they are very good with people and in touch with other people’s emotions. If you don’t exhibit all of the above traits, chances you are not an ENFJ.

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