Most of the time, ISFJs are very easygoing. While they feel heavy emotions, ISFJs tend to be much more observant and very introverted. They aren’t quick to anger at all. Although, this doesn’t mean that they don’t get angry. While it is harder to drive them to that point, when an ISFJ does get angry, all their emotions will start to pour out of them at once. We don’t want the ISFJ in your life to get to that point, so we figured we would put together a list of the top 10 things to anger ISFJs.

Avoid these ten things, and we can assure you that your ISFJ will continue to be easygoing with their life. 


ISFJs are sticklers for punctuality. You’re much more likely to find an ISFJ arrive early than even just a couple of minutes late. An ISFJ will often plan their entire day around a single appointment to make sure that they turn up on time. They feel it is respectful of others.

Because of this, ISFJs loathe when somebody turns up late to meet them. In fact, ISFJs will often take it as a personal attack. They’ll feel as if you aren’t respectful of their time and they’ll start seething.

If you know an ISFJ, always strive to turn up on time. While being late once probably won’t anger them, if you make a habit of it, you’ve probably made an enemy. 

Dismissive Of Their Feelings

ISFJs have incredibly strong emotions. While they don’t always share their emotions (they are very introverted), they do feel incredibly deeply.

When an ISFJ trusts you enough to open up about their feelings, make sure that you listen to them. Don’t dismiss the feelings, even if the issue seems pretty minor to you. You know that if an ISFJ is sharing something it means that the issue is impacting them seriously.

If you constantly dismiss an ISFJ’s feelings, not only will you anger them, but you’ll probably lose a friend. 

Interrupted Routines

Routine governs everything an ISFJ does. Every moment of every day is planned down to a tee. In fact, they’ll probably start planning certain appointments, events, etc. well in advance.

They absolutely hate when something comes in and changes their routine. It means that the entire plan that they have spent so long mentally working on has been tossed out the window!

So, while you can interrupt an ISFJs routine once every so often, don’t make a habit of it. And, if you do force them to deviate from their routine, try to keep the deviations to the absolute minimum. 

Treating Others Poorly

ISFJs are incredibly emotional people. They don’t just feel their emotions, but they can also sense the emotions of others.

If an ISFJ witnesses an ‘injustice’ e.g. a joke made at somebody else’s expense, somebody feeling excluded from a group, or general rudeness, they’ll get angry. Very angry. In fact, this may be one of the few times that they’ll stop being introverted around others.

Obviously, you should never treat others poorly. That’s a given. You certainly don’t want to do it in front of an ISFJ. 

Forced Social Interaction

ISFJs are introverts. They thrive when they are outside of intense social settings. They hate having the focus on them.

If you force an ISFJ into a social interaction that they aren’t prepared for, then expect them to get very angry about it. They won’t display this emotion on the outside but, trust us, it is bubbling on the inside.

If your ISFJ does need to head to a group event, party, etc. then give them plenty of notice. When they are there, try to ensure that as little focus is on the ISFJ as possible. 


ISFJs find accuracy important. They hate carelessness. They hate when people make mistakes that could easily be avoided. 

Of course, an ISFJ is accepting of some mistakes. They do realize that others are human. But, if somebody shows a severe amount of carelessness in their work, then the ISFJ will get very angry. In their minds, they wouldn’t be careless, so why should others?

Feeling as If They Disappointed Others

ISFJs can be people pleasers. They will always go the extra mile to help others (often at their own expense), and they get angry if they feel they’ve disappointed the people in their life.

You don’t even have to express disappointment. ISFJs are great at picking up emotions, and they will often sense when they have upset somebody.

On the plus side (well, sometimes the plus side), the ISFJs will always go the extra mile to try and undo that disappointment! 


ISFJs are not great at conflict. This is because they often find it difficult to separate themselves from the issue. So, if they’re in the midst of an argument, they’ll take it as a personal attack. They’ll get sad, and then they’ll get angry that somebody has the audacity to personally attack them. 


ISFJs take criticism to heart. Even the smallest amount of criticism can often trigger an ISFJ. As before, they see it as a personal attack. You are essentially attacking who they are as a person.

Now, we’re not saying that you can’t criticize an ISFJ. Everybody has somebody that needs to be criticized on occasion. Just don’t go too overboard. You may also want to consider throwing in a compliment or two. 

Not Being Left Alone

Sometimes, ISFJs need to unwind. They need time to themselves to recuperate, plan, and deal with any negative emotions that they or others are feeling.

If you notice that an ISFJ is craving some alone time, don’t interrupt them. ISFJs, like all introverts, absolutely hate it when they are trying to remove themselves from social interaction.

They won’t just be angry either. If you interrupt an ISFJ when they are craving alone time, they’ll probably just end up needing more alone time to deal with those extra emotions. So, it is best to leave them to it. They’ll ‘snap’ out of it eventually. 


While it is tough to anger an ISFJ, it isn’t impossible. The quickest way to anger one is to not be respectful of their or others’ feelings. You may also want to ensure that you don’t interrupt their routines, and make sure that you always turn up to planned appointments on time. If you can do that, then ISFJs will be some of the most laid-back people that you’ve ever met. 


Do ISFJs get angry easily?

No, they do not. It is tough to anger an ISFJ. They are laid-back of the time. They only time an ISFJ gets angry is if you are disrespectful of their feelings, or the feelings of others.

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